Ch. 5

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Ryley smiled. "Hello my dear sister, come take a seat along with your friends."

What did she just say? It's obvious she's looking at me, but no I don't have any siblings, plus she killed my fricken parents so even if she was my sister what the hell?

Cassy takes my hand and pulls it to the chairs. We all take a seat in silence.

"What, so no questions?" Ryley raises her eyebrow.

"What do you mean sister? I have no siblings." I said.

"Well of course you don't know, they never told you, although I'm sure your dad's at least told Lance." She turned to face him, smirking. "Isn't that right?"

I looked over at him, his eyes no where in particular. "Lance, is that true?"

He turned to me and nodded.

"Well why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't know how to."

"You could've just said 'hey you have a sister no one told you about.'"

"Sorry." Wow that's all he has to say?

I focused my attention back to Ryley, "So care to explain why I've never seen or heard of you?"

She sighed, "I suppose..... It all started before you were born, obviously. Your parents got into some argument I guess it was pretty serious considering your dad had an affair... Which led to...surprise! Me. Anyway your parents seemed to have worked things out by that time. My mother couldn't care for me so she asked your dad to take care of me, but he didn't want me neither did your mom." She was silent for a moment then spoke with her head down, " It was hard for my mother to care for me so I decided to not bother her any further and so I ran away... It wasn't like I was alone in the world, I found some friends along the way. Your dad did nothing... He had not a care in the world.. I guess that's what turned me into the devil child I am now. Something just seemed to have snapped." She turned her attention back to me. "So I figured with my revenge out of the way, why not catch up with my little sis?" She smiled.

So many questions are running through my head. I know she won't be able to answer most. Why didn't my parents take her in? Maybe they didn't want kids? They why did they have me? Was I an accident? Why did they keep me if that was the case? My parents didn't seem like the people to just abandon a kid but then again they seemed to not have cared with Ryley, at least that's what she's saying. It probably bugs her not knowing these questions either, but still she just had to kill them? Would she not have cared if her mother was killed?

Everyone was quiet, taking it in I guess...

"So just because they didn't want you, you killed them?"

"You wanted to kill me," She said simply.

"I had a reason."

"So did I." I don't even know how to reply to that. Silence yet again.

"Why's your place in the middle of nowhere?" Cassy spoke.

Ryley turned her attention to Cassy. "There are several reasons actually. One of them being I'm not so great with strangers snooping around my business, two I like to have fun so I'd rather people not know who I am and where I live."


Ryley smiled, "Of course! It gets rather boring here so I like to make up my own little games."

"What kind of games?" Cassy cocked her head to the side. I'm feeling so many emotions right now.

Ryley thought for a minute. "Well I may have been behind the whole 'kill the hybrid' group that nearly led to both your deaths." She smirked. That's it, the anger took over.

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