Ch. 9

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Well we decided to go to an arcade. I found Lance and dragged him and Cole along, Cole's a werewolf obviously, so Lance wasn't against the whole uniting the two worlds. Arcades here are pretty much the same as the human world but there are games that are specifically for werewolves.

"So what do you guys want to play first?" Scarlett asked. I already hate being here because everyone's looking at me and Cassy with wide and curious eyes.

None of us even had time to answer before Cole did. "Laser tag!" Cole is a childish person, you could get a hint by his crazy light brown hair that went every direction. Although he acts like a kid he grows up when he needs to.

"Sounds good." Cassy said. We got all our gear on and got in groups of two. Me, Lance, and Laine were in one group and Cassy, Cole, and Scarlett on the other. This should be interesting.

I'd give hand signals to the both of them, knowing if we talked the others would hear us. Since me and Lance have been friends for a long time he would easily know what I meant... Laine on the other hand would often look confused, instead of face palming or looking at her with a stupid expression I did my best to chill out and just gave her basic instructions instead.

None of them were in sight so we all split up. As I walked up the ramp to the second story I heard shots and laughter from down below. Someone's gotta be up here it's just a matter of who. Let's see I think I deserve a hint.

"Stop right there Cassy" I heard a thud nearby.

"Geez can you not?!"

"What did I scare you?" I said and walked towards the noise.

"No shit. Where are you anyway?"

"I can't tell you." Though I'm closer than you think. I arrived to where I heard the thud but no one was around. What the-


"Fuck!" I jumped. "Dammit Cole!"

He bursted out laughing. "I didn't think you ever got scared! Let alone by me!" He started crying and holding his stomach.

I'm even surprised I didn't know he was around, I got too distracted. "Shut up! I didn't get scared! I was just distracted!"

"Yea..... Sure.... Tell that to your heart.... I think you might end up having a heart attack.... Just stay distracted then... I'm scoring major points!" He said between laughs. I noticed now that we was shooting me, for how long? I don't know, but he was defiantly gaining a lot of points. I hid and tried getting some of my points back, the others finding us didn't help my case.


"So what happened up there? I heard Cole dying of laughter." Lance asked as we left.

Cole smiled and opened his mouth but I covered it before anything came out. "Spill and I'll kill you." He nodded so I let go.

"Kat's a scaredy Kat! I totally got her by just saying boo!" He laughed. I was already prepared to attack him until I felt arms wrap around my neck as the person hopped up on my back.

"Aww how cute! I wish I was there to see that." Cassy whispers the last part in my ear.

"Shut up." I muttered and the others joined in on Cole's laughter. I patted Cassy's leg. "Get down."

"What? Why?" I could tell she was frowning.

"How else are we going to play the other games?"

Whining a 'fine' she hopped off.

We ended up playing almost every game there. Surprisingly it wasn't such a bad hang out, I think this did help with the awkwardness between us all. After we ate we all just relaxed for a bit and talked.

"Oh hey everyone!" We all looked towards the voice and were met by Mason.

Everyone greeted him, except me which I received a kick for, so I had to say hi anyway. Me and Mason still aren't the best of friends, or even friends for that matter, but we can still tolerate each other for a short period of time.

After a bit of talking Mason sat with his friends at the booth next to us. I noticed Cassy got quiet after a while and Mason wasn't talking much to his friends either. Talking in private are we? I wonder if I could interrupt, I should be able to right? Well here goes nothing.

"What are you blind? It's so obvious!" Cassy said.

"My vision is fine. They're just really good friends is all."

"So what are we talking about?" I intervened.

"Kat? How- never mind it's nothing." Cassy said as she looked over at me.

"Aw come on I don't want to be left out."

"Ok Katherine, what do you think about Laine and Scarlett's relationship?" Mason asked.

"I don't know and I honestly don't care." I'm getting bored of this conversation now.

"Come on! Do you think they'd ever get together?" Mason continued.

I look over at the two sitting next to each other. They seem pretty comfortable and relaxed. I'm not sure what went down earlier, but it had to be something interesting for Laine's face to have gotten so red. I don't know much about either of them so I don't know if they even think of each other that way.

"I dont know maybe?"

"Gah. You guys are crazy."

"Why anyway?" I asked.

"Me and Mason made a bet a while back to whether or not they'd get together." Cassy said.

"Why does it even matter? It's not like you need a hundred dollars." Mason questioned.

"Yea I get everything for free."

"You shouldn't take advantage of things Kat, and I just like being right you don't have to pay up if you don't have the money."

"Hey Mace!" I looked over and saw a girl approach Mason's table. When he saw her be basically choked on air.

"Oh! H-hey!"

"I didn't know you were here." She smiled.

"Right... Um.... Well..." He nervously scratched the back of his head.

"My friends left and I'm pretty bored. Want to play a few games?" She asked.

"S-sure, yea totally." She grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

How sweet, a boy and his crush. Makes me want to puke. Cassy grabs and holds my hand that was on the seat. Okay now I'm better, just have to keep my other hand on my tail to prevent it from wagging.

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