Ch. 11

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I just realized something as I woke up staring at my ceiling, I never took Cassy out on a date. I groaned and I face palmed. Great. I'm the worst. Well I guess a things kept coming up, and it's kind of impossible to go out in any world without being stared at with these damn ears. There would already be pressure with it being our first date but add people with all their attention on you just makes it worse.

Wait. I ran toward the mirror, sure enough there were no ears. I check my back and no tail. Hell yeah! I was too deep in thought to notice I was running my hand through my hair without the obstruction of my ears.

Well with that out of the way I just need to plan out the date and surprise her. This needs to be amazing but what the hell am I going to do? I have never taken a girl out on a date before so I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to this. Fuck I don't even know what planet to take her on. God I'm the worst girlfriend ever. What the fuck we aren't even officially dating!

I shoved a pillow onto my face. "Fuckkkk!! I'm the worst!!"

"No you're not. What's wrong?" I lifted the pillow and saw Cassy at the door with a worried look.

"Yes I am! But Cass I promise I'll make it up to you."

She came and sat next to me on the bed. "What do you mean? You have nothing to make up for.... Unless you di-"

"No no no! I didn't to anything that would upset you... It's just.." I don't want to tell her I want it to be a surprise.... But what if she thinks I did do something?

"It's just what?"

"I can't say."

She immediately looks upset "Why not?" Fuck it I'll let one of them out. Her face is just too much. Damn I cave in easily.

"We haven't officially confirmed our relationship... I never asked you to be my girlfriend."

She tilted her head in confusion for a minute then smiled. "O-oh I thought it was just kind of an unspoken thing you know? Like we didn't need to discuss it since.... We're already... Close." She blushed and looked away. "But I guess you're right... It was still in the back of my mind at times."

I may malfunction due to an overload of cuteness. "Well I did feel that way too. I just realized I never actually asked you, it just already seemed like it huh?"

"Yeah." Her blush grew deeper.

"I would've asked in a more... I dont know... Romantic setting? If you wouldn't have giving me such a sad face." I pulled her into my lap and put my arms around her. She still refused to look at me, blushing like crazy, and I'm sure I was too. I cupped her face with my hands and made her look at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. Geez why am I getting nervous? "Cassy you are absolutely amazing. I've enjoyed every second of my life being with you. I don't know what I'd be without you. You've changed my life and I honestly couldn't wish for anything better. I love all of the moments we have had together so far and would be thrilled to see what others we can make in the future. I really really really love you and would be honored if you'd be my girlfriend."

I wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. She let out a soft laugh. "Geez it sounded like you were proposing." She smiled.

"I'd make that a thousand times more special."

"Well my answer is no." Wait what? Before I could respond she continued. "You always make me blush and feel way too embarrassed. I'm too invested in you that I'd die if you ever left me." She rested her forehead onto mine.

"So then shall I go get a ring?" I raised a brow.

She giggled. "No. I'll happily be your girlfriend." I smiled and she continued as she sat up in panic. "N-not that I don't want to marry you! Sorry if it sounded- I just don't- it's just-I would- it's not- I mean-" She's cute when she rambles. Good thing I'm gifted at calming her down. I grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss.

I patted her head as I broke away. "I get it calm down." I laughed.

"Geez." She covered her face with her hands and looked down.

"By the way our ears and tails are gone. Don't know if you've noticed." I said.

"Oh yea! I did when I woke up."

"Right about that. What were you up to when I was still asleep?"

"Nothing..." Hmmm.

"Not buying it. Wait what's that smell?" Something smells dead.

"Heh heh nothing?" I got off the bed and went straight towards the source. The kitchen.

"What did you kill?"

"I'm sorryyy! I wanted to make you breakfast but you didn't have anything edible so I asked Lance to get me some stuff. And while making I realized I don't cook. Like at all. Never have. Soooo that was a total bust." My gawd.

I laughed. "God you're too cute." She blushed and pouted." You know bloods all that's needed right? Partially why I don't have anything to make food. I appreciate it though. This defiantly made my day."

"No! I refuse, pretend this never happened! I'll try again!"

"Alright alright." I waved my hand dismissively. "As you wish. Although if you want any brownie points.... I'd love to wake up to see you making breakfast in nothing but an apron." I winked.

She turned away with yet another blush for the day. "I should've expected that from you."

I smiled. "I'm just messing with you... Well sort of.... Anyway." I put my arms around her neck. "How about I help you make something simple for now?"

She looked up at me confused. "You cook?"

"Is that surprising?" I asked with a sheepish smile.

"Kind of since your kitchen looks like it's never been used."

I shrugged. "Haven't had time and I've just been too lazy."

Cassy just nods in response.

"Well then I don't think there is anything salvageable from whatever monster you created, so let's go shopping."

"Hey! I tried!" I kissed her forehead.

"I know." Hopefully this trip will give me some sort of idea on where to take her out. Everything I seem to come up with just doesn't seem special enough for her. God where the fuck do you take the most special person to you out on a first fricken date?!

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