Ch. 15

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Morning couldn't have come faster. I felt like I just shut my eyes and now I'm being woken up by loud banging at the door.

I groaned. "Who has a death wish?"

"Kitty... go get the door." Cassy said as she snuggled deeper into the covers.

"I was going to tell you that." I rolled my eyes and sped to the door. I made sure my annoyance was shown as I opened the door. "What do you want?!"

It was Scarlett. "I heard you took Laine home but she wasn't there. What'd you do to her?"

I sighed. "I didn't take her home I took her away from Ryley who was going to 'take her home'. She's here in the guest room. Probably awake now from how loud you were knocking."

She sighed in relief. "Thank god."

I rolled my eyes. "Just get her and go."

We walked in and found Cassy in the living room, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. "Oh hey Scarlett."

"Hey Cassy. So where is she?"

"Over here." I led her to Laine's room and knocked before opening the door.

"No way." I said shocked. She was still sound asleep. Maybe I heard the knock louder than it was? Since well I'm not human. No Scarlett was knocking loud enough to break the door.

"Well just wake her up and tell her I'm downstairs." Scarlett said.

"Woah wait a minute. Why do I have to wake her up? You're the one who's here to take her. Plus if I don't like being woken up what makes you think I'll take away someone else's slumber?"

"I just wanted to make sure she was okay. If you want her to stay then I'll just go."

"Or you can wake her up and take her."

"What if I respect people's sleep as well?"

I glared at her. "Obviously you don't."

"Can you two be any louder?" Scarlett and I both turned towards the bed. Laine sat upright, rubbed her eyes, and stretched.

"Sorry for waking you and forgetting to take you home yesterday." Scarlett said.

"It's okay. Things worked out." Laine smiled. Her voice was raspy from just waking up. She looked at me and drew her eyebrows together.

"So... Katherine I guess we'll get out of your hair." Scarlett said.

That brought me back to reality. "Uh yea, right." I scratched the back of my head. Scarlett walked out of the room followed by a flushed Laine. She stopped before she left and turned to me.

"Thanks again." I just nodded and she walked out.

"I need sleep." I muttered.

Just as I went back to my bed and shut my eyes, Cassy jumped on top of me.

"So what's today's adventure going to be?" She asks.

"Sleep." I opened my eyes and sure enough she was pouting.

"Wow. I didn't think of you as a lazy person."

"I'm not lazy."

"Then prove it! Let's go do something!" She smiled and pecked my lips.

"Fine." I flipped us over. "How about we start with breakfast?" I said as I started sucking on her neck.

Cassy's breathing started to get heavier. "Not... exactly what I had in mind.... but okay."

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