Ch. 17

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Cassy's dad had called her over to talk about something. So, while she went over to her house, I went to go get us food. When I got back I neared the doors and heard a part of the conversation.

"So, I think it'd be best if I sent out Mason and Katherine for a few days to check things out as well." Hank said. I made sure to stay very still as I tried to slowly back away, but unfortunately Cassy knew I was there.

"Kat. Get in here."

I opened the door, much to my dismay. "I just came to drop this off. I have to go-"

"You don't have anywhere to go. Now sit down." Cassy patted the seat next to her. I noticed Scarlett was also in the room.

I sighed. "What is it this time?" I looked over at Hank waiting for a response.

"A group of both werewolves and vampires recently joined Laine's school. I didn't think much of it while I was with her yesterday, but at least one of them always seems to be keeping her within their sight." Scarlett explained.

"I think it might be because of her blood type but I'm not sure." Cassy mentioned.

"So we just need to kill them and problem solved?"

Cassy's dad frowned. "No. I'd prefer if you would just keep an eye on things and find out what they're after and why."

"Okay so how am I going to do that if they'll be in sch-" Then it hit me. "Oh hell no!"

"Katherine you're one of the best people for this job. It's not like you'll be alone, Mason will be joining you along with Cassy." Hank said.

I banged the back of my head against the chair. "And what's Scarlett going to be doing?"

"She'll be more undercover. Watching things from a distance for a different perspective."

"The hell? Why can't I do that?"

"Like I said, you're better out on the battlefield."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay fine."

"Good! Because I've already enrolled you and oh tryouts are tomorrow."


Everyone in the room was grinning. "Well Laine is a cheerleader, so of course you need to be as well to keep an eye on her."

A Cheerleader. Kill. Me. Now.

"Why can't Cassy be one?!" I jumped out of my seat, face heating up.

"She said you'd prefer to."

I looked over at Cassy and she winked at me. I glared at her in response.

"Well looks like we're done here. You'll start tomorrow bright and early. Although, Katherine, you have to get up earlier for the tryouts. Do your best because it'd be best to have eyes on Laine at all times."

"Great." I deadpanned. "Does she even know about this?"

"No, but I'm sure you guys will be able to explain it to her."

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