Ch. 19

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As the bell signaled for a class change yet again, I got ready to actually go to science this time. Laine has college prep with Mason, so I shouldn't be too worried, but I do know that I will be even more bored than I was before.

I waited until Mason came to walk Laine to their class, before I went to mine. I was a hundered percent ready to fall asleep as soon as I sat in the chair.... that was until, unfortunately I heard someone talk to me.

"Hey, how's it going? First day and all." I looked over to my right to see some boy taking a seat next to me. I didn't respond which prompted him to continue. "Oh, right sorry. My name's Danny. Nice to meet you." He held a hand out, which I unwillingly took.

"I'm Katherine." Friendly mode on.

"Nice name. I saw you hanging out with Laine earlier. Are you two friends?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Where the heck is this teacher?

"Oh, cool. Has she told you who she was going to homecoming with?" He seemed hesitant to ask.

"Nope." I'm not getting involved in anymore highschool drama than I need to.

"Alright class. Sorry, for being late! Let's get on with the lesson." The teacher announce as they came in. Thank God.

Danny didn't really say much after that. He just focused on the lesson and I took a well deserved nap.

I woke up to tapping on my shoulder. "The bell rung. Time to wake up." Danny said as I opened my eyes. "Didn't want you to be sleeping here throughout lunch."

"Thanks." He nodded and we both left for the door. Surprisingly Laine was right outside the door, heading my way.

"Hey, how nice of you-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Laine hooked her arm with mine, and started dragging me away. "Woah, hey! What's your deal?" She finally let go when we were in line for lunch.

"What did he tell you?" She said looking nervous.

"Hello, to you too."

Laine sighed. "Did he say anything about me?"

"Calm down he just asked if you told me who you were taking to homecoming. Why are you freaking out?"

"What'd you say?" Oh my God. I swear-

"I said you didn't." Her heart sped up. "What is it?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing. If he asks you again can you tell him I'm not going?"

"Why don't you do that yourself? I don't want to be involved in your guys' drama."

"I can't. Just." She sighs again. "Please?"

You'd think for saving her life, probably twice, she'd be doing me favors. "Yeah, sure. Now hurry up you're holding up the line."

Once we got our food, I looked around the tables. Surprise, surprise, no vampires or werewolves in sight.

"You can come sit with me and the others if you want." Laine offered.

"No, I should probably have a talk with Mason." I said and headed over to the loner.

"Hey, loser." I said, sitting across from him.

He rolled his eyes. "Really?"

"Well, you're sitting alone, and it's highschool so I thought it was fitting. Anyway, you got anything?"

"Not really. There was a female vampire in our class. She had long curly black hair, and she looks amazing." I rolled my eyes. "Other than looking good, she didn't do much."

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