Preference 49- he finds out your hidden talent

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He finds out your hidden talent.


He was helping you clean out your basement and he stumbles upon a box labeled "(Y/N) riding awards". Puzzled he opens the box to find pictures, and newspaper clippings, and awards that you had from horseback riding as a teenager.

"(Y/N)!?! What is this? Why didn't you tell me about this? He yells across your basement.

"What? Oh, that. Well I rode horses competitively for awhile." You say nonchalant.

"You were damn good too" He mutters under his breath as he sees all the trophies and 1st place ribbons.

"LIAM! Don't swear!" You scold.

"Sorry (Y/N) but seriously, you're going to have to show me this one day. And maybe you could teach me?" He asked with enthusiasm.

"Sure babe." You promise with a giggle.


There was a fair in your hometown at the local race track. You and Harry went and enjoyed yourselves. As you were leaving a little girl around the age of 10 runs up to you and says

"Uh, are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" she askes nervously.

"Yes I am." The girl pushes forward a copy of a copy of an X-Games magazine with you on the cover.

"Will you sign this please?"

"Surely." As you sign the magazine Harry is thoroughly confused because noramlly people asked him for autographs not you. He sees you on the cover and the title of an article catshes his eye.

"(Y/N) is the next big driving sensation. At only 16, shes already beating all the boys she races against. Here's her story." His eyes go wide as he figures out your a semi-famous race car driver. The girl scurries away content with her magazine.

"You never told me about this?" Harry askes quickly.

"Yeah I used to race." You say with a shrug.

"You should have told me!" He shouts.

"Oh yeah and why is that?" You sassily retort.

"Becasue thats friggin cool, and quite sexy." He says and leans in for a passionate kiss. Oh boy.


You used to be a very good gymnast who had hopes of being an Olympian. Nialls on Twitter when a fan shows him an article about you and your gymnastics dream.

"(Y/N)! GET IN HERE!" he yells after reading the article.

"What? Whats wrong?" you ask afraid something is wrong. He shows you the laptop and you smile.

"Yeah I was actually pretty good but then i busted my knee and everything went down the toilet." You say with a frown. He pulls you onto the couch and then seductively whispers in your ear.

"Well its okay you know why?"

"No. Why?" you wonder.

"Well I hear gymnasts are awfully flexible." He says as he starts to kiss you.

"Niall! What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing I just find it real sexy that you did gymnastics." He whispers. Cheeky lad.


He was hanging at your house one day when your mom showed off your artwork to him.

"She did these in high school and she won a lot of awards. Aren't they just fantastic?" she coos. Lou is fixated on the paintings because honestly they were really good.

"I didn't know about this. You're really talented (Y/N). Why didn't you show me these before.?"

"Ehh, it was just something I dabbled in, in high school." You said rolling your eyes while leaning in the door way.

"Okay." he said then he turned to your mom

"Can I have some of these? I want to hang them in my flat." You chuckle and walk away from your mom and Lou comparing various paintings.


As a teen you did fencing at your local fencing studio. One day Zayn was at your house and he found a bunch of your old swords that you used to fence with in your garage. He knew they were yours because they had your initials etched into the handle piece.

"(Y/N) babe? What the heck are these?" He asks as he fiddles around with weapons.

"Woah woah. Careful Zayn. Those I used to fence with. Because I used to fence competitively." You whisper a bit embarrassed.

"BABE! Really? That freaking cool. Can you show me sometime?" He asks as he stares at the swords.

"Okay but lets put these away before one of us loses a finger" You say as you steer him into the house.

AN: please vote comment and fan. 9,000 reads!!!! You guys are absolutely amazing. If you read this chappie please comment cupcakes. I'm curious as to who has read this far.

What's your talent?


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