Preference 106- he talks about your sex life

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This one is sexual mwhahaha

All credit to Zaynrain on tumblr

he Talks About Your Sex Life.


You were in the kitchen, preparing a small lunch for your boyfriend Zayn and his friend and bandmate Niall as they sat in the livingroom, having some guy time you assumed. You didn't want to be a bother to either one of them, so you decided to distract yourself to get away from them. As you started to bring the boys their sandwiches back, you stopped in your tracks as you heard a peculiar question that you couldn't wait to hear the answer to.

"So Zayn," Niall asks, lowering his voice a bit, thinking you couldn't hear.

"How's (Y/N) in the sheets?" he winks, laughing his irish laugh as he sees a blush spreadening across Zayn's face. He coughs nervously at first before looking around to see if you were near, and when he realized you weren't, he relaxed a bit.

"She's great!" he calls out.

"I mean, I've never had a girl who does it like she does! When she gets in the mood, there's no stopping her." Zayn smirks as he remembers times the two of you have had relations. You smirk to yourself at his answer, as you walk out into the kitchen with the sandwiches, acting as if nothing had been said.

"Hope you like these, boys!" you giggle, as you lean down to Zayn's ear.

"You owe me, later." you whisper seductively.


He was sitting in the livingroom, talking and having a nice visit with his friend and bandmate Liam. You were in your bedroom, two doors down from the livingroom, as you decided to give them some guy time together, since they hadn't seen each other much since their tour. You were sitting on your laptop, browsing through your tumblr when you heard a spark in the conversation you never thought you'd hear come out of Liam Payne's mouth!

"So mate, how's the sex?" he blantly asks. You have to cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing out loud, but you were interested in what Harry was going to say, so you stopped yourself from laughing to hear his response.

"Amazing. It's the best I've ever had. Seriously! She likes to be the dominant one, and that's what I like." you hear Harry bragging, as you gain a furious blush upon your face, and for the rest of Liam's visit, you didn't dare leave your bedroom.


"No! There's no way I'm telling you that!" you hear Niall yell from your livingroom, as you were standing in your kitchen, making some snacks for you, your boyfriend, and his friend and bandmate Harry.

You raise your eyebrow as you walk slowly to the side of the kitchen, staying out of view from the two boys sitting on the couch.

"Why not? It's not like she can hear us." you hear Harry reason.

"She's in the next room!"

"Yeah, but Niall she's doing stuff in the kitchen. She won't hear, I promise! Just tell me, about your sex life." Harry laughs out. You cover your mouth before you gasp, completely shocked at what had just been said. Niall sighs in agreement.

"Well, I can't complain about (Y/N). She brings a whole other meaning to 'Another World' if you know what I mean. When she wants me, she wants me." Niall answers, not wanting to get too detailed. Him and Harry both burst out laughing as you can't help but blush and shy back into the kitchen, barely able to finish the snacks as you bring them out to the boys.

"And Niall? It's not that I want you, I need you." you wink at your boyfriend as you sit on the couch in his lap.


You were sitting on the couch beside your boyfriend Louis, and his friend and bandmate Zayn. But, you had plugged your iPod into your ears, so you could block out their boy conversations that you knew they'd want to have since they didn't get enough time to hang out after their tour. After your sixth song, you decide it's time to turn your iPod off, but when you hear the spark of a new and surprising conversation, you pretend that you're still listening to music.

"So Louis, how's your girl there?" Zayn asks him, gesturing towards you with his eyes so you didn't catch them talking about you. Louis smirks, as he quickly picks up on what his friend was asking him.

"Perfect. Just as mild and wild as I like it. Nothing like a scream here and there." the boys both burst out laughing as you blush, playing music on your iPod again to forget what you'd just heard.


He scoffs from his spot on the couch with his friend and bandmate Louis, disgusted with the question he'd just asked him. You, being the nosey person you were, decided to sneak into the hallway and listen to what was being said, surprised at Liam's reaction.

"Why can't you just tell me about the sex?" Louis spits out, slapping Liam on the arm lightly. He shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I have way too much respect for her to talk about her like that!" he argues back, trying to change the subject. You shake your head, smiling at his response lightly.

"Just at least tell me if you like it?" Liam was silent for a moment.

"Of course I do." he says, as your jaw drops and Louis bursts out laughing.

"I KNEW I'D GET IT OUT OF YOU!" he yells out. As you shake your head, completely embarrassed about the whole conversation.

AN: I apologise to my innocent readers. Sorry.

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I'm going to try write some more of my fanfic Baby Horan, so go check it out and there should be an update on it this week; actually an update on all my books this week


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