Preference 127- fights

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You couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as you pushed your keys into the front door of your flat. It was 1 in the morning, your feet hurt, your head was pulsing erratically, and you were beyond exhausted. Work has been needy for you, keeping you to work hours later then you should be. But you've been on thin ice with your boss lately, and working extra hours was the only way you were staying on good terms. Slowly and softly, you pushed the front door open to slither in, trying your very best not to wake Harry. Your hand flew to the wall, flipping the light switch on. "Glad to see you decided to come home." Harry remarks. You flip around, hand clutching your chest as you widen your eyes at him from being so frightened. "Work was agonizingly long." You groan, snatching a water bottle from the fridge. Harry's eyebrows are furrowed, and his arms folded across his chest, and a magazine is laying face down right beside him. It was silent for a few more moments; the only sound present was when you tossed your heels towards the archway of the kitchen. "Is there something you'd like to say, Harry?" You raise your eyebrows, taking a quick swig of your water bottle before undoing your tight ponytail. A hand ran through your hair as you patiently waited for Harry to just say something, clarify why he was being so hostile so you could finally go to bed. Just as you were giving up on him talking, and starting to head up to your bedroom, the magazine came flying across the kitchen island and landing right in front of you. On the cover was you, holding another guy's hand, somebody you've never seen in your entire being. Harry Style's girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N cheating? Unbelievable. You couldn't decide who you were angrier with, the magazine company for putting this as a cover story, or Harry for believing the most ridiculous article you've ever seen. "This is why you're mad? You're mad at me for this ridiculous excuse of a cover story?" You question, looking at his eyes as he gives you a look. "You've been coming home at all hours of the night, you never text me when you'll be home, and for Christ sake Y/N, you just snuck in through door. You want me to think that nothing is going on while you're out doing all this foolish bullshit? You want me to think everything is picture perfect? Because it's not!" He shouts, scaring you just a little. You just sit there because you can't quite wrap your head around this. "Harry this is photo shopped are you fucking blind or something? I've never even seen this guy and all of the sudden I'm dating him? The fact you believe this shit is unbelievable!" You try your very best to keep composure, but it's not working to your favor. "Is it? It doesn't seem too unbelievable to me, it seems like you've been lying. The only thing unbelievable right now is you, Y/N." Another shout and now you've had enough. You didn't want this to turn into a screaming match. So you scoop up your purse, and head for your shoes, picking them up but not even bothering to put them back on. You swipe up your keys and start heading to the front door, Harry close behind. "Where are you going? I'm not done talking!" He argues, trailing behind you down the hall as you start to open the front door. "Well maybe I'll go and try to find my other boyfriend, hm? Might be hard if I don't know his name." You snap at him, giving him an icy glare as you slam the door shut.


There weren't even words to describe how excited you were that Niall was finally home from tour. Niall had practically begged you to come and spend two weeks in Ireland with him, visiting his parents and family and some of his friends. The first three of four days were perfect. He had devoted them to just you, doing whatever you wanted. But that all came to a shrieking halt when his friends came into the equation. Niall's mother had been over the moon to finally see her son, eat dinner with both sons, and just catch up. But Christ, was it far from that. It ended up you being with Greg, Denise, and Theo for 90% of the time, you usually making up excuses for Niall's absence. It was the last week you guys were here, and the day had gone by and you had only seen Niall for a total of an hour. He mumbled something about going out with the lads, and then something about a few pints. His lips felt distant as they pressed a kiss to your temple, you standing there as still as stone. You decided to wait up for him this time, watching some TV in the hotel bedroom. The little red numbers on the black clock read 2:30, and you couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He'd barely spoken one word to you or his family in the past week, and it was really starting to piss you off. As hard as you tried to fight off the tempting feeling of slumber, it won and you had fallen asleep. Around 3:45 in the morning, you were awoken to the jiggling of the doorknob and heavy footsteps from downstairs. 3:30 in the goddamn morning, and he thought it was fine if he just showed up whenever? You threw the covers off and walked down the hallway to find him chugging a bottle of water, probably trying to flush some of the alcohol out of his system. You coughed, making him spin around from the sudden presence. "Hey, what are you doing awake so late, princess?" He smiled, starting to walk over to you. A frustrated sigh passed your pursed lips as you held your hand up, signaling him to not come any closer. "This is ridiculous, you know. Waltzing in here at 3:45 in the morning? What have you even been doing all night? I haven't seen you since 5:30!" You weren't sure if he could see how irritated you were, the lights were barely even on. He fixed that right away, extending his hand out to flick the switch on. "I told you, I was out with the lads grabbing a few pints and a bite to eat. It's not that big of a deal, Y/N. No need to fuss." He responded coolly, realizing that you were genuinely angry with him. You rolled your eyes at him "Niall if I wanted to come and spend two weeks with just your family, I could've done that while you were away. You are two bloody miles away from you own mother, and she has barely even seen you. I'm starting to wonder why you even brought me out here in the first place." He barely seemed interested in the conversation. As you opened your mouth to say something again, his eyes darted right at you. "Just shut the hell up, for fucks sake. I heard ya the first time? Stop bein so fuckin annoying!" He snapped, this time his voice wasn't so calm. You were tired of sitting alone, and you couldn't tell Maura Niall was feeling under the weather for the fifteenth time. You were just tired, and it was time for you to go home. "Y/N wait, I didn't-" He started in, but it was done for you. Enough was enough. "Spend the rest of vacation on your own, Niall. I'm done." You spoke softly, keeping yourself together even though the tears pricking your eyes felt like a thousand knives. You went upstairs and grabbed your suitcases, zipping them up and dealing with whatever clothes were in there. You dragged the bags out of the hotel room and down the hall, Niall running to try and catch you.


Today was two whole years exactly. You found it weird how when your eyes fluttered open that Liam was gone. And when you went downstairs, hoping to maybe see flowers or him making breakfast, but the kitchen and living room were exactly how you left it last night. He had written a note on the white board on the fridge: Went to the studio, see you in a bit xx. Even though he hadn't wished you a happy anniversary, you were fine with it. It only meant that the dinner tonight was going to be all the more special. You had your friend help you pick out the perfect outfit, a nice tight black dress, to show off all the best parts on your body, and shoes that complimented your height to a T. You were sure everything was going to be perfect, and there was nothing that could bring you down today. Your reservation was at 7 at one of the nicest places in London, so he had said. You dedicated your entire day to getting ready. Outdoing yourself completely, you went out and bought new perfume, new earrings, and even went and treated yourself to nails. 6 o'clock rolled around, and you were in a frantic rush to try and get yourself together. You had curled your hair, done your makeup (the best you've probably ever done) and dressed yourself up. Everything was ready, and you had grabbed your phone and your keys and left to go and meet Liam at dinner. The reservation was already set, and the waiter led you to the table, politely pulled out your chair, and poured you some water. You sat and waited for Liam to come, anxious and excited for him to see all of your new assets and how hard you tried to look good. 15 minutes had passed, then 30, then 45, and before you could even blink, it was already 8:30. A solemn look was on the waiter's face, as even he knew Liam was a no show. A sad and disappointed look struck your face as well as you politely apologized to the waiter, removing yourself from the restaurant and starting to leave. Heels clicking against the pavement, and a hot frustrated tear sliding down your cheek, you heard a familiar laugh and looked up. There he was, that idiot you called your boyfriend, with all the boys, smiling and laughing. You aggressively wiped away the tear as you tried to duck your head and get to you car. What a mistake. "Hey love! You look absolutely stunning! What are you so dressed for?" Liam asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you stood there, looking the other direction. He pulled back as he realized you didn't wrap an arm around his neck like you usually do, and gave you a curious look. "I sat in there for nearly two hours, Liam. I looked like a fucking idiot because you'd rather hang out with the boys." You breathed out, forcing yourself not to make a scene in front of the four uncomfortable boys behind him. "What're you- oh, Y/N, love. That was tonight? I'm so-" "Liam save it. There is not one part of me that's wants to here any excuses or apologies. I'm sleeping at my sisters tonight, don't call me." You huffed, pushing past him and strutting past the boys, their eyes slightly widened and mouths parted in small O's.


too busy fucking the shit out of Perrie to deal with your problems.


Being nearly 4thousand miles away from home sucked. You lived out in Agoura Hills, California. There was always a part of you that missed it, but being out here with Louis made it all worth it. You and Louis had a week or two of down time, and after tons and tons of convincing, you guys were in a plane heading towards LAX. The smile on your face was irreplaceable, and you couldn't stop showering Louis in kisses and thanking him. Not that he minded. When you had gotten to LAX, after fighting off the swarm of mobbing fans and camera people, you were over the moon when you saw your mother waiting for you at the end of the terminal. Louis embraced once he pulled you off her, complimenting her new hair and giving her a peck on the cheek. The first two days were spent at the house, lounging around or hanging out by the pool in the yard. Everything was going perfectly, you were right where you wanted to be. But when Ryan came into the picture, everything got tense. Ryan is your ex boyfriend, but you guys were best friends now and have been since your junior year of high school 5 years ago. He was much different than Louis was, much more buff and taller, sexy facial structure and nice sun kissed golden blonde hair. While you were here, you spent nearly every day with Ryan. Going to lunches, doing some shopping, even a few dinners. You invited Louis every time, but he always had some lame excuse. He'd even used your 2 year old niece Lila as an excuse, saying that he was going to spend the day with her instead. At the end of the week, with still another 5 days left on your visit back home, you had returned from the gym with Ryan and were on your way back with him to the house. You walked in and your mom looked a little unsure and confused, but you brushed it off. "Mom, have you seen Lou? Ryan is taking his soon to be fiancé Katie and I was going to ask him if wanted to double date." Ryan stood behind you, watching whatever your brother had left on the TV. "Uh, Y/N, Louis um, Louis left. He said he had to go back. That it was important." Your mom frowned at you. Annoyed at how immature your boyfriend was being, you couldn't help but feel a little bad for leaving him out. You packed all your stuff and printed out a boarding pass, chasing after your ridiculous boyfriend.

AN: heyoo. Sorry I haven't posted in the past couple of days. I've had retreat for school where we learnt more about the Indigenous Culture.

For those who wanted a part 2 for the previous preference, I am sorry to say that there will be no part two. These are all from tumblr which the title of the book says and it is up to the original author to make it. Please keep in mind that I have no idea who the authors are as these are over a year old. Except for this one......

Please vote, comment, fan me my little cupcakes. 🍰🍰🍰 sending you all virtual cake :)


One Direction Preferences (tumblr) // 01Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin