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AN: So I'm putting this first, this is the very last preference for this book. As soon as this is finished I will be clicking the completed button. Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this book. 

Tomorrow's update will be from my new book of preferences written by me so if you haven't saved it go save it now. So now I have to go and do my multimedia assignment which is a documentary of One Direction's life........ah I love my teacher sometimes. 

AN: Once you've finished this can you please check out my new Story A Stranger in a Foreign land. It isn't One Direction but it is my first main book that I have written. Link on the side

Also What country are my readers from?? This is for my bio. Comment below. Thanks heaps for all your amazing support<>>>>>>

you tell his parents you’re pregnant!


You fidgeted nervously in the living room of Liam’s parents’ home, pulling at loose strings, twirling your hair, anything to keep your hands busy. He sat next to you on the couch, his arm slung casually over the back, but you could tell by the way his eyes darted around that he, too, was nervous. As the small talk died down, you nodded at Liam and began speaking to his parents. “Well, um, Karen, Geoff, I just, I have some news,” you said, seeing the knowing grin already on Liam’s mother’s face. “I’m expecting.” His mother stood up, gasping and came over to clutch your now-still hands. “Have you seen a doctor yet? How far along are you? Oh, my goodness, this is so exciting. You should start looking at schools now, the best primaries always have a waiting list-” “Karen, calm down,” his father laughed. “The poor girl is probably already feeling the stress. We’re very happy for the two of you,” Geoff smiled, pulling his beaming wife to his side. If you learned anything that day, it’s that Liam garnered his worrisome tendencies from his mother.


You fiddled with your skirt nervously as Zayn tightened his hold on your waist. The two of you were at his parent’s house, and having just eaten dinner, you felt it was time to share the news. You locked eyes with Zayn, and he began to speak. “Um, Mom, Dad, [Y/N] and I are going to have a baby,” he grinned, gulping nervously. There was silence for a second before Tricia’s eyes lit up. “Oh, darling, this is wonderful - isn’t it wonderful, Yaser?” Zayn’s father nodded, sending a smile towards you and Zayn. “You treat her right now, Zayn,” his mother went on. “She’s carrying your baby. Never yell at her and the right answer is always, ‘Yes, love.’ Do you hear me?” She questioned her son, poking him playfully in the chest. He laughed softly before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll take care of her.”


You pulled little Daisy onto your lap as Louis complimented Phoebe on her new dress. The two of you were over at his mother’s house, having called earlier saying that you had some important news to share. Daisy played with your hair but frowned. “[Y/N],” she began, her little brow furrowed. “You seem different.” You smiled and shifted her on your lap. “That’s because I’m going to have a baby,” you said quietly to her, grinning excitedly. You heard a gasp from behind you and turned your head sharply to see Lottie, Fizzy, and Jay staring at you. “Did you just say you’re going to have a baby?” Lottie squealed, running over to you. “Oh my goodness, this is so exciting, I’m going to be an Aunt!” You laughed and looked over towards Jay, nervously awaiting her reaction. She caught your gaze and smiled, and you realized as Louis gave your hand a warm squeeze, your little baby would grow up with a huge and happy family.


It was Christmas morning, and you were at Niall’s father’s house. His mother had come to celebrate with her two sons and their wives, as well. You were all relaxing by the fire, telling stories of funny moments during the last year, when you looked and Niall and mouthed ‘now.’ He nodded and cleared his throat. “Um, [Y/N] and I just thought you all should know that in July, she’s going to give birth to a little boy or girl.” Maura jumped up, knocking her blanket to the ground and immediately running towards the two of you. She embraced you first, whispering her congratulations. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Niall’s father, Bobby, clap him on the shoulder. Greg and his wife came over to you next, extending their congratulations. As you grasped Niall’s hand, you realized that this moment, the one you’ve been analyzing and anxiously waiting for, was done, and now all you had to deal with was the actual pregnancy.


You and Harry had decided that the best way to tell his parents was just to up and tell them the news - no fancy introductions or schemes to make it smoother. So now, standing in his kitchen, you began to speak. “So, we just wanted to come over and let you guys know, I’m pregnant,” you beamed, expecting the worst possible reaction from Anne and Robin. Thankfully the complete opposite happened - Anne gasped and pulled you towards her, hugging you before pushing away slightly to rest her hand on your still relatively flat stomach. “You are going to be so loved,” she said to your baby, or what would become your baby, with tears in her eyes. “Your mommy is a very sweet and generous lady, and your daddy, my son, is going to make sure you have everything you need. Be nice to her, okay? Don‘t kick her like your daddy did to me, I was not a very happy lady.” She grinned and you faintly heard Harry cackle. You looked towards him and we winked, mouthing the words ‘I love you.’





One Direction Preferences (tumblr) // 01Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora