Preference 130- he asks you to be his girlfriend

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He asks you to be his girlfriend


It was a sunny day in London, with only a few clouds in the sky; a prefect day to do something outside. You and Liam decided to take advantage of the weather and take a walk through the park. This was your forth date with Liam, he was a real gentleman, taking things slow, but you were beginning to wonder if this was going anywhere. As you were walking along the path, when you felt Liam's hand brush against yours. You looked at him, he smiled sweetly. You nodded and grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. You continued walking, talking quietly to each other. Liam pointed to a nearby bench, "Sit here Y/N, I'll be back in a second", he said stopping at the bench. "Is everything ok Liam?" you asked looking at him concerned. He nodded, "Yeah, everything is fine, I just need to go", he paused, "go to the toilet, I'll be right back." he smiled. You returned his smile and sat down, watching people in the park. A few minutes later, you felt someone sit next to you. You turned around to tell them that the seat was taken, but stopped, totally surprised and speechless. Liam was sitting beside you holding a beautiful red rose. You smiled and looked into her stunning brown eyes. "Y/N", Liam started saying, holding the rose out to you, you gently took the rose from him. "I think you are amazing, I really like you and have enjoyed the time we had spend together." you could felt yourself blushing, as he continued. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he finished saying. "Liam, you are the amazing one and I have loved every minute we have spent together. I would be honoured to be your girlfriend." you said placing your hand on top of his. He moved closer to you and pressed his lips on yours. After a few seconds, you both pulled away smiling. You thought to yourself, 'prefect first kiss with the prefect guy.'


You laughed at another one of Louis jokes, causing him to laugh along with you. Since he was working in the studio all day, you decided to meet him at the coffee shop around the corner during one of his breaks. It has been about two weeks since you met Louis and you loved spending time with him. He stopped midway through telling you a joke when his phone rung. He whispered a sorry before quickly answering it. "Hi.. Yes.. Ok... Right now... Yes... Ok... Bye" He put his phone back in his pocket, "that was Harry, break is over. I have to go back. I'm sorry Y/N", he said sounding a little disappointed. You smiled and reached for his table across the table, "it's fine Louis, I understand. You better go, before he comes looking for you", you giggled. He nodded and stood up, walking around to you. "I'll call you tonight. I promise I'll make this up to you", he said, "oh wait, I have something for you". He pulled out a present from his bag and placed it on the table. "Louis, thanks, but you didn't have to", he said looking at it. "I wanted to really, Y/N". You kissed you passionately and headed back to the studio. As soon as he left, you opened the present. On top was a note, 'Y/N, wash this hoodie and look at the back to find out whose heart you hold'. You pulled the t-shirt out and looked at the back. It was covered in names, you were confused, 'what is he talking about?' you thought. You left the coffee shop and raced home, quickly washing the hoodie in the sink. After a few minutes, you pulled it out of the water and looked at the back. 'Louis' was all that was written on the back. You smiled and quickly grabbed your phone, calling Louis. He answered on the second ring, "OMG Louis, that was so sweet. You hold my heart too," you yelled out. He laughed, "So Y/N, since we hold each other's hearts, will you be mine?" If possible your smile grew bigger, "YES, YES, of course.." you answered.


Cuddled up the couch with Niall watching tv, when the doorbell rung. "PIzza is here", Niall yelled letting go of you and jumping from the couch. "It took it's time, I'm starving!", you laughed. You continued watching tv as he went to the door. This was your third date with Niall, and you really like him. As you were thinking about Niall, you realised that he was taking his time getting the pizza from the front door. You turned to look at the door, but didn't see him. You stood up and from the couch, and called out his name. "Sorry Y/N, I'm coming, just getting some things from the kitchen." You laughed, 'of course he was', you thought to yourself. "Need any help?" you asked. Just then he appeared through the door way, carrying the pizza box in one hand with 2 drinks resting on top and in the other hand, a tray with various snack, including popcorn and m&ms. You giggled at him as he walked into the room. You both sat down and Niall arranged the food on the table. He opened the pizza box and took of mouthful of his drink. You were about to ask why he wasn't digging into the food, when the pizza box caught your eye. Written on the inside of the box was 'Will you be my girlfriend or is this too cheesy?'. You smiled and looked at Niall speechless. He smiled back, and grabbed your hand, gently rubbing his thumb along your skin. "So Y/N, will you - ", you cut him off by grabbing him by the collar of his polo and pulling him into a kiss. As you let go of his collar and pulled apart, he was smiling from ear to ear. "Does that answer your question, Niall?" you asked him cheekily. "Sure does Princess", he said giving you a kiss on the cheek, causing you to giggle.


You were tired, hungry and just had a bad day at school. You walked in the front door and dragged yourself up the stairs to your bedroom. You opened the room and dropped your school bag in shocked. Balloons filled your rom. They were floating above your bed, touching the celling. You stepped forward and noticed some of the balloons had things attached to the spring at the end. You smiled as you saw some of them were photos of you growing up, but you paused when you were some photos of Harry. "MUM", you yelled, "DAD", but got no answer. You looked at the balloons again, getting more confused. Then you saw one balloon had a little envelope tired to the end. You undone the spring and opened it up slowly, revealing a small piece of paper. "Will you be my girlfriend? xx Harry" you read out loud. You smiled and giggled to yourself looking at all the balloons once again. You heard a noise in the doorway, so you turned around to see Harry leaning against the door frame. He smiled showing you his cheeky dimples. "So Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" You dropped the note on your bed and run across the room towards Harry. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "Of course Harry" you said loosing your grip on him. You looked into his big gorgeous green eyes as he laughed lightly, holding you close. He lead closer and pressed his lips to yours, sending butterflies through your stomach.


You were spending the afternoon with Zayn, just hanging out at his flat, watching movies, eating and talking. Since you met Zayn about two weeks ago, you have gone out few times, but this was the first time you were at his flat. Zayn had his arm around you, while sitting on the couch. You could smell his cologne and felt safe in his arms. Gently you removed his arm from your waist and tried to wiggle yourself off the couch. Zayn looked at you, "Is everything ok?" Zayn asked. "Yeah, I just need to use the bathroom", you said, trying not to laugh at his concerned tone. "Of course Y/N, it's just down the hall to the left", he said removing his arm and pointing in the direction. "Thanks, I'll be right back." You stood up and walked out of the room. As you were walking back to Zayn, you heard him talking on the phone, "Yeah Liam, things are going amazing, she is prefect", he paused, waiting for Liam to reply. "I can't wait for you to meet my girl" he then said. You smiled to yourself as you stepped closer trying not to make any noise. "Thanks Liam, I got to go. Yeah I'll talk to you soon. Say hello to Niall for me. Bye" he hung up. You paused before walking into the room and sitting beside him. You tried to hide your smile, but you didn't do very good, because Zayn noticed. "Why are you smiling so big?... Oh, you heard.. How much did you heard?" he asked, embarrassed. "Only the end. And you're the prefect one", you told him gently touching his arm. He took a deep breath, "I was going to wait for the prefect moment, but I guess now is as good as any", he said, picking up a little box beside the couch and handing it to me. "Open it Y/N", he said nodding. You opened the box and saw a beautiful silver chain with a Z charm. "Zayn, it's beautiful. I love it, Thank you", you said, admiring the necklace. "I thought if you wore it, you could have a piece of me with you all the time", he said taking the necklace from your hands. You turned around and he put it on you. He whispered in your ear, "Would you be mine?" You turned around and nodded. Your faces were only inches apart. Zayn leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You begun to kiss him back. You felt him smiling into the kiss. After you pulled apart, you snuggled into him again and continued your afternoon on the couch.

AN: all credit goes to the owner of the previous preference.

Remember I do not write these.

So I have to write a short story about 600-800 words for English and I have no idea what to write. So leave a few ideas below please. And I I use yours I will elaborate the idea and dedicate it to you.

Can I get to 230 fans???




Please help me with my English assignment.

Love you my cupcakes


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