Preference 155 - First Day of Moving in with him

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Prompt- First day of moving in with him


You closed the lid of the last box and sighed as you looked around your empty apartment. There were only a few scattered boxes left on the floor and everything else that suggested you had lived here was gone. Just as you were starting to get a bit emotional you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your torso and Louis pulled you tightly to his chest planting a kiss to the top of your head. “You ready to go babe?” he asked, voice filled with obvious excitement. “Yeh I’m ready” you replied, voice soft. Louis spun you around in his arms, glanced down at you, excited eyes suddenly filled with concern, “what’s wrong love?” he asked, voice gentle as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “Yeh, no I am fine. There’s just a lot of memories in this place is all,” you said as Louis wiped the one tear that had slipped down your cheek. “But I am ready to make some new memories, in our place” you continued, reaching down and wrapping your smaller hand around Louis’. Louis smiled, the excitement filling his eyes again as they sparkled, “good lets go then.” You nodded and you both picked up one of the two remaining boxes and you exited the apartment, with a final glance over your shoulder.

*When you pulled up at the new house the two of you had picked out, you smiled over at Louis as he squeezed your hand. You got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the front door, you fidgeted with excitement when Louis reached out to unlock the door. “You ready babe?”  Louis asked for the second time that day. You nodded in excitement and  he swung open the door. As soon as the door opens you let out a squeal that was a mix of both excitement and shock. You had expected to see an empty building with scattered box towers. But instead there was a beautifully furnished house, that was a mix of both yours and Louis’ old furniture and a few new things to. There were pictures scattered around of the both of you, the other boys and your families. It was a perfect mix and felt just right. “Louis when did you do this?” You whispered. Louis grinned even bigger, if that was possible, “well I won’t claim all the credit, the rest of the boys helped and their girlfriends to, thank god, otherwise god only knows what Niall and Harry might have done.” You laughed and grinned at Louis, throwing your arms around him, “thank you, so much Lou.” “You’re welcome beautiful” Louis said “care to go take a look at our new bedroom? He concluded with a smirk. You laughed but nodded anyway and Louis wrapped a hand around yours, tugging you from the room.


You giggled to yourself as you planted the last, pink frilled, teddy bear on the bed. This was your first day after moving in with Niall and unfortunately, what you had planned to be a relaxing day had ended up being you alone while Niall was called into the studio to record.

*“Y/N” a voice whispered as you slowly woke up to a gentle shake of your shoulder. “Ni what you doin?” you slurred turning and trying to curl into his chest. His chest shook with a chuckle, “Sorry babe, work just called I got to go in and record today” Niall responded. You pouted slightly, still refusing to open your eyes, Niall laughed and leant down to kiss your pouted lips. “I won’t be too long and we can watch a movie later,” Niall said, gently pulling away from you, shifting your chest from his to the soft mattress. You whined at the loss of contact and continued to pout but nodded in agreement curling into the soft covers, Niall pulled over you. Later when you woke properly you sighed wandering through the quiet apartment. Deciding it was about time you got revenge for all Niall’s pranks, you rushed into the large walk in closet and found the last box that you had decided not to unpack. Ripping open the top you smiled at the sea of pink and pastel that sat in front of you. The box held a few things from your childhood and a lot of girly things. Grabbing an armful you made your way through the apartment placing items on various surfaces. You put a few pastel coloured candles on the table in the front room, draped a fluffy pink blanket over the couch, along with a few floral pillows and a vase of flowers. As a last flash idea you plastered some posters from an old magazine you found of male celebrities like Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron and Channing Tatum, on the back of the bathroom door.

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