Preference 140 - Talking about the tour

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Tour Series: Talking about the Take Me Home Tour by reality-ruined-our-life


You were currently driving home from a surprise dinner with Liam. With tour approaching he wanted to do something special for you. As Liam was driving, you saw him look over at you a few times. You smiled and felt your cheeks redden. You looked out the window, hoping he wouldn't notice. Liam was telling you a story about Niall and Harry in the studio earlier, when you suddenly squealed and turned the radio up. Liam jumped, "What?" he yelled. You giggled and started singing, "One way or another I'm gonna find ya I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha" Liam poked your arm and laughed, "I thought something bad was happening." "Sorry Li, but this is my jam," you said bobbing your head along to the song. Liam started singing with you. When the song finished, you turned the radio down. You sighed and looked out the window. Liam noticed you get quiet and rubbed your arm gently. "I'm ok, Li. No tears," you said weakly, thinking of Liam leaving for tour. Liam smiled sadly. You took a deep breath and looked at Liam. "What songs are you looking forward to singing at the concerts?" you asked. Liam smiled and paused before answering. "You know my favourite is Little Things, cause it reminds me of you," he said bring your hand to his mouth and kissing it. "But I am looking forward to singing Kiss You," he paused, "and Heart Attack. I think the fans will love them."


Before meeting up with the boys for the afternoon, you were over at Louis' flat. He was running late as usual. You were getting bored of waiting and decided to have some fun. While he was getting dressed, you walked into the kitchen, grabbed the cling wrap and ran upstairs. You quietly stuck the cling wrap across the doorway of his bedroom, so he couldn't get out. You smiled to yourself and ran back downstairs. A few moments later, you heard Louis walking towards his bedroom door. "Aghhh" he screamed. "Y/N" he said trying to sound angry but you could hear the laugher in his voice. He ripped through the cling wrap and came running down the stairs. As soon as you saw him, you started running away from him. You didn't get very far when Louis wrapped his arms around you, causing you both to fall to the ground, laughing. "I gonna miss this, I gonna miss you," he said kissing your cheek. "I'll miss you too," you replied, "You will have to tell me about the pranks you play on the boys while on tour." You popped yourself up on one elbow and rested your other hand on his chest. "I'm planning to put powder in Zayn's hair dryer. Give Niall a cake which is actually a cardboard box covered in frosting, maybe switch the 'pull' and 'push' signs on doors or -" you cut he off by kissing his lips.


You and Niall were over at Liam's flat hanging out with the boys and girlfriends. Between rehearsals and meetings about the quickly approaching tour, the boys wanted some time to chill and relax. While the boys were in the lounge room, watching a soccer game on tv, you were with the girls in the kitchen. Danielle and Eleanor were cooking lunch while you and Perrie sat on the stools on the other side of the bench. You started to zone out of the conversation and look over your shoulder at Niall. You smiled to yourself. "Y/N," Perrie said, gently rubbing your arm. "Are you ok?" she continued. "Yeah," you said quietly. "Thinking about when he leaves?" Danielle asked. You nodded and smiled weakly. "Everything will be ok Y/N. We know its hard when they go, but you have us," Eleanor said, as her and Danielle walked around the bench and stood beside you and Perrie. Danielle wrapped her arm around your shoulders. "If it makes you feel any better; it doesn't get easier the more times they go. You just know that they will be back for you," she said. You nodded. "Thanks girls, it means a lot. I don't know what I would do without you," you said leaning against Danielle. "Us girls have to stick together," Perrie said, making you all laugh.


Harry had invited you to one of the boys rehearsals for their Take Me Home tour. You were excited to finally see what the boys had planned for the concerts. You sat on one of the chairs in the front row and watched the boys practice. After a few songs, you could tell they were over practicing; Louis and Niall started jumping around, Liam was dancing 'the joe' while Zayn was poking Harry's cheek while he was trying to sing his solo. Harry laughed, causing the band to stop playing. "Break time," Harry yelled and walked towards you. He put out his hand for you. You stepped forward and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull you on stage. Harry walked you to the middle of the stage and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm going to miss you so much baby," he said slowly, kissing your forehead. You buried your head in his chest, taking in his warmth. "I'll miss you more Haz," you replied. Harry pulled away slightly, still holding you, "But this next song, is for you. Everytime I sing it on tour, I will be thinking about you Y/N," he said. Harry nodded towards the band and they started playing Last First Kiss. The boys walked out and joined Harry singing. You blushed and looked up at Harry as a tear slid down your cheek.


With all the planning for the Take Me Home tour, you and Zayn hadn't ready spend much time together. Today was the first day in ages that Zayn had off and he wanted to take you out. You would of been happy to stay at home and have a lazy day, but Zayn wouldn't have it. After spending some time walking around London, enjoying some time together. "One last surprise baby," Zayn said, rubbing his thumb across your fingers in his hand. "Zayn, all day has been full of surprises. No more," you pleated. "One more," he insisted, squeezing your hand. You rolled your eyes and knew he wouldn't give in. "Ok," you whispered making him laugh. You stopped walking and looked up, "The London Eye," you said smiling. Zayn lead you inside and hugged you behind, resting his head on you shoulder. "It's beautiful, you can see all of London up here," you said. Zayn kissed your cheek, "Where are you looking forward to going on tour?" you asked. You kept looking out the window, not wanting him to see the tears forming in your eyes when you thought about him leaving. He thought for a moment, hugging you tighter. "Australia," he paused, "we weren't there very long last year. The weather was nice and the it's beautiful. The harbour in Sydney, the animals and the fans are amazing." He noticed your tear filled eyes and kissed your temple. "I'll take there one day, you will love it."

AN: so I was at a cheerleading competition all morning which ran over time so I then had to rush to go to dance rehearsal. I had work yesterday all day and that my cupcakes is why I have not updated. Because I simply did not have time. I barely wrote anything for my books as well. But that's what the train ride home tomorrow is for.

Thank you so much for getting this to #325 on teen fiction and I forget the fan fiction number but it was similar. Thank you so much

Anyways. Goodnight. I'm off to bed


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