You're an Olympic gymnast

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Preference -you are an Olympic gymnast and he and the boys go and watch you.


you and Harry had hardly spent any time together as you were so busy preparing for the 2012 XXX Olympics in London. The time had come and you were getting ready to compete in the heats. Your team mate before you had just finished her routine scoring a 13.566 and you saw your lovely boyfriend Harry and the boys. They had made a sign saying 'y/n' for gold. You can do it we know you can. You were just about to start when you heard your name being called. You started with a smile on your face. It came to your first tumble sequence and you landed your front layout, double sault, stag jump perfectly. Yes you landed it and now there was the rest of the routine. You landed each thing perfectly and came off of your last apparatus, floor scoring a 14.353. You were now able to go back to the village and rest. Just as you were about to open your door you saw harry and the boys run towards you. "y/n you were so good babe. Congratulations you got a really good score." "haz they were just the heats I still have to wait for the semi-finals still." "Yeah, well you’re gonna kick butt." he said as he gave you a passionate kiss. Then he whispered in your ear "maybe you can show me some of that flexibility stuff tonight," and gave you a wink. Then the boys ruined the moment by running and giving you a big group hug.


You had just finished your beam routine and were waiting for your result. Beam was your favourite apparatus and somehow you thought you might get third place. The results were up and your name appeared in 1st place.  The tears started streaming down your face as you were so happy. You walked up to the podium and waited to receive your medal. This was your fist medal ever and you were so happy to receive it. You shook hands with the presenter and as the medal was lowered to your neck you realised that it was actually really heavy. The national anthem played and you sang along. Photos were then taken and you left for some interviews. When you got back from them the first thing you saw was Louis, your boyfriend of two years,  and the rest of the boys.  They were holding banners with your name on them; the ones you saw when you were competing. “Congratulations, babe. You did an amazing job out there and YOU GOT FIRST, WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he started running around like a little kid. The boys all came and hugged you, not allowing you to breathe. “Guys, gymnast, losing, breath here.” They all let you go and finally breathe. “Well done y/n” Louis exclaimed as he let go of you, along with the other boys. The whole idea of you coming first still hadn’t settled in and you didn’t think it would for a while. Louis then took you out for a romantic dinner as a bit of a congratulations present, along with a wedding proposal.


You were about to go to the stadium to perform in the heats. You were so nervous that you felt like you could eat everything. “Hey, babe you okay. You seem a bit jumpy.” “Oh yeah Niall. Im fine. You know, just going to go and perform in the Olympics for like my first time ever. Could you bring me some Nando….. I see you already brought me some?” “No, they are for me.” “oh, please I really need them. I’m so nervous and, I just need food.” “No. When have I ever shared my food. Never. You will not have any princess. I’m sorry. Also you just bring it back up when you compete. So, no food for you.” Hmmm cheeky boy he knows what would happen if you ate. Damn another reason why he could have food. Just then all the boys ran over to you and gave you best wishes before you went and got warmed up. Afterwards Niall gave you some Nandos that he bought you.


You weren’t nervous at all. You weren’t expecting anything, except to have fun and that I what Liam loved about you. He loved the fact that your expectations weren’t high and that when you did something well you didn’t brag either. It was your second time in the Olympics and you had been training since you were 4 to become an Olympic Gymnast. Here you were living out your dream, with your dream boyfriend who was living out his dream. You were waiting for your results and were becoming more nervous as the time dragged on. Your name was called out first; you got third. You were happy with that. You were so happy. Even though you weren’t able to have Liam here right now you managed to see him and the boys jumping around in the stand. You felt your cheeks burn. After the ceremony you were able to see him and when you did you ran up to him and jumped in his arms.


Zayn was really nervous for you. He was jumping around and kept saying that he had butterflies in his stomach. You were the one competing, you were completely terrified. “Boo are you sure you want to do this I mean you can always back out if you want to.” He gave you a random kiss to make you feel a bit calmer and relaxed. Did it help? Nope. You still had the jitters. It was nearly time for you to go to the stadium when all the boys came over to you. “We made you posters y/n! See do you like the drawings I did?” Louis asked. The truth they looked like 3 year old drawings. You laughed.  “yeah, they are somewhat good lou. I mean is that the Olympic Rings?” you pointed to something that looked somewhat like them. “Yeah!!!” He was acting like he just had fruit loops. “y/n if you don’t go now you’ll be late.” Count on Daddy Directioner to calm things down. “Good Luck boo, we’ll see you when you have finished and don’t forget to look for us.” He gave you a kiss and had to be dragged away by liam because he didn’t want to go. 

AN: So this is one I wrote when it was the olympics. If you liked it please vote for it and as I said in the previous chappie I will write my own series if you comment ideas. Please get this to 200 votes to make me happy :)


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