Preference 161 - Airport moment

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Airport moment


You were waiting near the arrivals gate for Liam, fidgeting with the edge of your clothes and the rings on your fingers, which were both a nervous habits of yours. You knew you were being stupid, being so nervous, but Liam had been away on tour for 2 months now and due to time differences you hadn’t really been able to talk to him as much as you would have liked. Just as your mind was starting to wander to your irrational fears, a loud voice announced over the loudspeaker the arrival of Liam’s plane.  You strained your neck looking for Liam when the passengers started to flow through the doors. When the flow of passengers stopped and you still could not see Liam, you started to panic, again beginning to focus on the fact that you had been apart for so long. Lost in your thoughts you missed Liam as he finally made his way out of the gate, until you heard a deep and familiar voice calling your name. Your head shot up and you saw a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes a few feet away from you. Worries forgotten you rushed forward and threw yourself into Liam’s embrace, his strong arms encircled your waist, holding you tightly to his chest. “I missed you” you whispered into his chest, “I missed you more” he mumbled into your hair as he kissed the top of your head. You slowly pulled away from Liam, just enough to stretch up and press a soft kiss to his waiting lips. As soon as your lips pressed together, Liam’s grip tightened and the kiss became more passionate as you both craved the touch you had missed for the last 2 months.


You had just arrived at the arrival gate of the airport to pick up Louis, when your phone buzzed in your pocket. Taking it out you saw your boyfriends name flashing on the screen, pulling  up the text, the smile you had been wearing since the night before immediately dropped from your face. Louis: ‘babe I’m so sorry the flight got cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow night, I am so so sorry, I will see you then, miss you.’ Tears already forming in your eyes, you slumped down into the nearest chair. Your shoulders curled forward and you brought your hands up to cover your face. You knew it was only an extra day, which in relation to the amount of time he had been away for, wasn’t much, but you had been counting down to this day and now you weren’t even getting to see him. Your hands were shaking slightly when you felt another set of hands engulf your own. Shocked you pulled your hands down and away from your face and looked into a pair of concerned blue eyes. “Louis?” you whispered, tears blurring your sight. “Yeh, babe it’s me, I’m sorry I thought it would be funny to surprise you, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Louis rushed in a hushed voice. Before he could continue his rambled apology, you flung your arms around his neck, tears staining his shirt. Louis wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up to a standing position and started to lead you outside.  ‘’Babe I really am sorry” Louis mumbled. You looked up at him with a glare “don’t you ever do that to me again, but this time just hug me cause I missed you.” Louis chuckled softly, as he tightened his arms around your waist “I won’t and I missed you to, so much” he said pressing a long kiss to your waiting lips.   


You parked the car at the airport, pulling on the parking brake and sitting back heavily in your seat. “Come on babe, we have to go in now or I am going to be late” Zayn said quietly reaching over to rub a comforting hand over your thigh. You sighed as you looked over at him “I know, I just don’t want to say goodbye yet” you replied sadly. “I know Y/N but I’ll come back and visit as soon as we have a break I promise.“ You nodded and sighed again as you pushed open the door and stepped out of the car. Rounding the back of the car, Zayn collected his bag and then gripped your hand tightly in his own as you made your way into the terminal. When the final call was later called for his flight you gripped his hand even tighter. He looked down at you and saw that you had a single tear rolling down your cheek, he wiped it away gently and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “I’ll miss you and I’ll be back soon,” he said gently. You only nodded not trusting your voice at the moment and he pulled you into a strong hug, his arms wrapping completely around you and holding you close to his chest. As he pulled back slightly he kissed you passionately, gripping your sides tightly, you melted into the kiss enjoying this last moment before he left. You gave him a small smile as he pulled away and made his way to the gate. Feeling the tears about to overflow you brushed them angrily away watching the back of Zayn disappear after a final wave goodbye.


Your knee shook with impatience as you sat waiting for the seat belt sign to turn off on the plane. Your plane had just landed in LA America, where you were finally getting to visit Niall on tour. When the light finally flicked off, you jumped up from your seat and made a beeline for the exit, all you wanted was to get off the plane and get to the hotel to see Niall. You knew that he couldn’t meet you at the airport as it would cause too much of a scene. When you walked through the arrival gate you looked around for one of the boy’s security team, most likely Paul. Instead you suddenly felt a pair of hands cover your eyes and an Irish accent at your ear, “looking for someone?” “Niall!” You squealed in delight, turning around to meet a set of sparkling blue eyes. Niall grinned at you as he pulled you close “I have missed you so much!” Niall said loudly.” “Niall, stop, everyone is going to notice you soon.” you laughed, pulling his hoodie further over his blonde hair and looking cautiously at a group of teen girls not far away. Niall just laughed as he wrapped an arm around your waist and started walking towards the baggage claim area.  Once you had your bags you walked out hand in and with Niall to the car. As soon as you sat down, you pushed down his hoodie, running your hands through his hair before linking them behind his neck and pulling him closer to press a long awaited kiss to his slightly parted lips. “I missed you so much” you mumbled against his lips, as they moved roughly against your own.


As you arrived at the airport you groaned at the abnormally large crowd of girls waiting outside. Harry had tried to keep it a secret when his flight was, but it was inevitable that someone had got hold of a pic at the airport or the information of his flight. The anticipation and excitement of seeing Harry was enough to get you out of the car though. Walking over to the crowd, you were just thinking about how you were going to get through when the whole crowd erupted into shrill screams and the calling of “Harry!” over and over again. Craning you neck you searched for a glimpse of Harry. Pushing through the crowd you finally saw a familiar head of chocolate brown curls, you again started pushing to get through, when one of the girls noticed who you were. “Y/N!” they called out and suddenly all the girls near you turned around and started calling out your name to. You started to freak out a little bit, unable to get out of the crowd, until you felt a large, familiar hand come to rest on your lower back and start leading you out of the crowd, with the help of a few security men. When you got out of the crowd you turned to smile up at Harry “thanks.” He pulled you tightly into his side and smiled, “any time beautiful, I missed you,” he said voice deep and soothing. “I missed you to” you replied stretching up on your toes to kiss Harry gently, keeping it short, aware of the security still close to you side. Harry understanding that you were uncomfortable with the security, whispered into your ear, “let’s go home away from prying eyes yeh?” you nodded and linked hands with Harry as you walked towards the car.

AN: Here is an update, first preference series that I am writing is about moving in to a place together. What topics under that would you like me to write about???





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