Preference 108- you talk about your sex life

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You talk about your sex life to the other boys

Liam :

You want to keep the private details of your life private, but Louis is your closest friend in the band and you decide to tell him a few juicy details.

"And Lou, I don't know of you've seen him-"

"I have,"Louis cuts in. You continue, unperturbed.

"Anyway, he's quite big, and he's such an animal! Like you'd think he'd be quite innocent and gentle, but no, he's fierce!" Louis gushes with you, and then you hear a light chuckle. Liam's laugh.

"What's going on here?" he asks. You turn beet red.


Zayn :

"So you and Zayn were quite loud last night..." you were sitting with Harry and Louis. You blushed.

"Come on. You know you want to tell us about it." You sighed.

"Well, okay. Zayn is such a good lover. Probably the best I've ever had. And he is so good at oral... I don't even know how he's that good. And I don't know why I'm telling you guys this, but I swear he can make me come so quickly, and I sort of want to just do it again and again..." Louis pressed a button on his phone and it made a funny sound.

"What was that?" you ask, suspicious.

"Just a little present for Zayn," he said cheekily, as Harry doubled over with laughter beside him.

Niall :

"So, (Y/N)... How are you going with Niall?" asks Zayn. You smile.

"he's incredible. He's the sweetest guy and the best boyfriend. And I have no complaints in the bedroom either," you say cheekily.

"Yeah?" says Zayn.

"Yes! He's so hot. Wow, you wouldn't believe what a dynamite that boy is in bed. And oh, the things we do with food, you can't imagine..." you giggle, and then look up to see Niall standing in the doorway.

"Hey babe," he says casually.

"I don't have any complaints either."

Harry :

You walk out of Harry's bedroom in nothing but a flimsy black nightdress. You hadn't expected Louis to be sitting at the table having breakfast, but you guessed it was kind of normal, he did live there after all.

"You're up early, Lou," you say.

"Yeah," he shrugs.

"You two sort of woke me up at around two and I haven't been able to sleep since then. A problem I see Harry does not have." You smile smugly.

"So Louis, did you get off to our sex noises then?" He laughs.

"No, more like my ears started bleeding. You're quite the screamer aren't you?" You smile.

"I think that was Harry."

"Well, that would explain why it was your name being screamed, I guess..."

"Hey! What's going on here?" asks Harry, emerging from his room.

"Are you telling Louis about our sex, (Y/N)?" Louis laughs again.

"She didn't have to mate, I could hear most of it." Harry asks you to come into his room, saying that he needs to talk to you privately. He locks the door and then picks up some handcuffs from the floor, remains of the night before.

"Someone needs to be punished..."

Louis :

Josh was your best friend, and had actually been the one to introduce you to Louis. You'd been texting him, when Josh sends one saying

"So... Did you have fun with Lou last night? ;)" you assume he's talking sex wise so you reply

"yeah, you have no idea. Omg Louis is so good in bed." You get a new text from Josh.

"Hehe... Tell me more... Or do I not want to know..." You reply saucily:

"Oh Josh. He's very very big... And he knows what he's doing with his hands, if you know what I mean..." It's a while before Josh texts back, and when you get his reply you gasp before seeing the funny side of things.

"Hey (y/n), it's Lou, hijacking Josh's phone. I'm very flattered about your comment on my hands XD. Love you babe."

Josh :

You're having coffee with Harry and you're swapping your sex stories. He has many, but you're still compelled to try and beat his last one, which is about Caroline and is just the right amount of graphic to put an interesting mental image in your head.

"Okay, well, last night, Josh and I were fooling around, and he bent over and stuck his tongue inside me, and then swirled it around. God, Harry, it was the best feeling, you have no idea..." Harry laughs.

"I've done that to girls before. They always love it." You give him a funny look, and then notice a shocked Josh behind him.

"Um. Hi Josh..." you say.

AN: sorry to my innocent readers. I'm going to bash my self with a bible now.


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One Direction Preferences (tumblr) // 01Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora