Prologue: 21 days later

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(Above: Union City)

"RUN!" I yelled repeatedly

The fiery explosion of the military air bombs shook the ground. I coughed blood, and black gunk as I ran, each step more tiring then the last. The 5 of us huffed along, exhausted as the concrete behind us began to rip from the ground.

"AUUUGH!" The short haired boy yelled, as he tripped to the ground.

"No!" I shouted, sliding to a stop, while the other 3 still ran towards the slowly closing blast doors of the Union City Military Airport.

A great boom rocked the ground, and he flew backwards, into the explosion, his white sweatshirt seemingly flying off of his body, as he disappeared from view. I shielded my eyes from the light as a car nearby ignited. I looked back to the gate, and saw my friends were already through. I swore, and began to run, but tripped on a chunk of asphalt. My ankle rolled, and I collapsed, crying out."

"COME ON!" The blonde yelled, the brunette clinging to him. My best friend jumped out of the closing gate, and ran at me.

"Come on, boy. You still got life in you." He told me, smiling slightly.

"My ankle hurts to hell... only you could joke around at a time like this."

He helped me limp over to the gate, slowly. It was almost closed.

"Out of the way!" A man yelled, shoving me aside.

"Richard!" A woman yelled running beside him. "Help this boy!"

"VERA!!!" Richard yelled, as 5 strangers lumbered towards the man.

He swung at them with his fists feebly, as the group clawed him down, and tore him limb from limb. I looked away, as Vera, a lady with glasses, and short black hair, helped my friend pull me over to the gates. We were almost there...

"They're almost closed!" I coughed, as smoke began to engulf us.

The edges of my vision began to fade. We weren't going to make it.

"We can still make it!" My friend yelled.

We were so close... we just needed a little more time...

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