Epilouge- After 21 Days.

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"Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, and brains saves both"

-Erwin Rommel

"Is this really necessary?" I growled as soldiers lined us up in the cargo hold of the massive cargo ship.

"Shut up." The soldier said, pushing me up against the metal pipe we were behind.

The soldier took out another pair of handcuffs. He put his hand on my head, and forced me to sit on the floor. Crouching down, he handcuffed my hands to the bar behind me. They were loose enough were I could read, and not loose the blood flow in my hands, but it was still annoying that it had to be done.

"This is just in case any of you decide to turn infected on us, and eat everyone on the plane."

I rolled my eyes. "I got that sir, I just don't get why we're in the cargo hold of the plane, and not the passenger part."

"That's filled with more military personnel kid. Army first."

I sighed, and continued to read my book that I had been reading before they handcuffed me to a pipe. I wasn't sitting next to Miranda. She was sitting diagonally  from me, too busy swearing at a soldier to notice me. I was stuck in between two girls that seemed to know each other. I recognized the names from the TV condemnation. 

"So, have you read the Harry Porter series?" The girl Daphne asked me.

  "Yeah... in third grade I think." I said, tiredly.

She nodded, and attempted to push her glasses back up on her nose with her kneecap, since she couldn't reach with her hands.

"I AM in third grade." Said Meleah, the other girl. She was obviously not in third grade.

"That's nice."

"So what's your name?" Daphne asked me.

I was staring at my backpack, which was on the ground, Jackson's hoodie hanging out. I was done with who I was. All that I had stood for had been ruined. I thought my friends would be with me... or at least I with them. Miranda as well. Instead we would be one state apart. I was starting to doubt my identity. That meant a lot to me, that question. "What is your name." I didn't think I could answer that at that time, but I tried anyway.

"Well?" Daphne asked me.

I hesitated. "I'm just a guy, who wants his life back."

The plane's engine rumbled, and I felt we were moving. Daphne nodded, and continued to talk to Meleah, who was already looking like she was sick. Motion sickness maybe... but we were barely in motion.

The plane took off in the sky, like a bird. It soared high in the air in the morning. It wasn't hungry though. It had already eaten it's snail for the day. The snail had risked to run for the food in the morning, and was killed. But he wasn't dead. Not yet. He wouldn't be dead truly until he was digested in the bird's stomach. Until that day, the snail could fight all he wanted in that bird's stomach. But it's  not like it mattered. The snail could make some progress, but a snail was a snail. Slow. Weak. And in the end, powerless against the things going on around him. But while he still had a chance, he would take it. Because you can't do what you've never tried. And that's all that snail thought about as the bird flew. Far away. Away to whatever happened next, and the snail simply hoped that the bird would digest slowly that day.


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