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(Above: Miranda Cleary, as of December 16th, 2017)

(Also above: the "Fake" Zombie video. I give credit to Charlie Higson, and "THE DEAD")


It all started with the video. It was a 2-minute-long video with this kid blubbering about his brother and sister, Danny and Eve, and how they've "Died" and that there were "Monsters" trying to kill him. He picked up the camera, and showed the outside street. It was really fuzzy, and the camera work was bad, but if you squinted you could see the outline of,3 people looking up at him, standing in front of a body, face down. At first, some people thought it was real. Not enough to spark any investigation. It was suspicious though. No kid was THAT good at acting, and anyone who played a practical joke on that kid must have been a real jerk. Slowly, more and more people began to think it was real, Then, as fate would have it, somebody famous over "Tumblin" said they thought that it was fake, and through the power of social media, the video was no more... supposedly. No one noticed when it got taken down a month later. Little did anyone know, that Metoob would shut down a week later. The internet the day after that... and then... it all started.


"So, you're saying," TK told me, as we rode bikes through the woods the next day, "That you don't have a crush on this Miranda person."

"Yes, that's what I've been saying for 2 hours now!" I told him, as we pedaled up a hill.

"I doubt it." He said, grinning.

"Can we stop now; we've been biking for almost 3 hours!" I groaned, my legs hurting.

"Wimp." TK laughed, skidding to a halt.

I held the brakes on the handlebars, and the bike came to a stop. I jumped off the bike, and kicked out the kickstand. I pointed at TK, and grinned.

"You're a dick."

"Agreed." He said. "Now let's go back to Brookevale. You wanna chill at my place?"

"We've only been on break for 2 minutes!" I gasped, still out of breath.

"Wimp." He said again.

"Shut... up!" I growled.

"Hokey Dokeys!"


"Well, I don't see how-"

"SHUT UP!" I said, tackling him to the ground. "I hear something!"

"Oh..." TK whispered.

We knelt there on the leaves, listening. It seemed like a sort of rustling sound. I listened closer, and it sounded like it was getting closer.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" I whispered, jumping up, and running to my bike.

TK did the same, and within seconds, we were pedaling faster than ever. I barely looked back, and I saw the dark shadow of a person, stumbling towards us, but as we rolled back through the trees, he was gone.

We biked all the way to the gates of the woods, a large fence cutting it off from the rest of town. I found the fence gate, about 20 feet North. We jumped off our bikes and ran for it. I got to the fence, and threw it open, and nearly jumped out of "The Woods" TK soon followed, and we were walking up the street, the first of the Brookevale houses coming into view.

"Jesus, what was that?" TK asked, panting.

"I dunno..." I replied.

TK looked down for a moment, thinking. He glanced up again. "Wanna play Glory of Generals 4 at my house?"

"Lemme' look at the time." I said, pulling out my MPhone. "Crap, it's 4:30. I gotta go help my mom with my brother."

"Ah." He said. "Hokay. I'll see you around."

I nodded, and hopped back on my bike, as I steered it towards home. The soft wind caught in my face, as I turned down our street.

"Hey Buddy!" Someone jeered from across the street. "Nice Bike... You should give it to me."

I ignored the person. It was just another fake gang member from the local gang "The Brooks" Yes, I was quite aware that it should be called "The Brookes"... I gave up on Brookevale a long time ago. Supposedly things aren't much different in Pinedale or the other low interest living districts.

I trotted up the steps to our small house on the corner of the street. I swung open the door, and called up the stairs.

"I'm home mom!"

I closed the door behind me, and climbed up the stairs. Within a few seconds my mom came to the stairs. He long brown hair seemed frizzy, and she had dark circles under her eyes. She looked miserable. She still smiled though, and I loved her for that.

"Did Josh keep you up again?"

"All night long." She moaned. "Can you watch him for a second? He's in his chair out back."

Leave it to my mother to leave a baby in the backyard to tell someone else to do it.

"Okay." I chirped, leaping down the other stairs.

I stepped out onto the patio, where Josh sat it his little swing, gently rocking back and forth.

He looked at me and smiled, giggling a bit.

"Hey!" I cooed, getting close to him. "How are you doing?"

He looked back at me, and spat up on my face.

"Augh!" I exclaimed, jerking away.

I grabbed the towel next to him, wiping my face, and his face.

"Well, Jack... seems like your brother is gonna see you get beat up today." Someone said, from the backyard.

Without looking up, I said, "You guys have seriously the worst timing, and the worst entrances ever."


A.N:     Hey boys, girls and "other",  hope you liked the cliffhanger. If you read this, I suggest you go to, the following link. Trust me on this one. It's the Anarchy on Earth Wikia page. Chat on the forums and such, and read about Union City, and the characters! Ciao!


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