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Above: Griffin Anderson as of January 7th 2018

"Huh?" James asked.

"You left the gate open." I said, still not looking up. "And how long have you been waiting to say what you just said? 2 minutes? 2 hours?"

"I don't get it."

I was stalling. I knew this couldn't be good. I was waiting for someone to notice that James had broken into my yard.

"Eh, no matter. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO how are you today?"

"I'm actually doing fine, thanks- wait... you're stalling!"

"No I'm not." I said, putting down the rag, and stepping out of the patio.

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm-"

I stumbled forward suddenly, with the feel of a fist to the back of my head. I shouted, and my head began swimming.

Dammit Kyle!

I tripped straight into James, who shoved me to the ground.

"You'll pay for the crap you did to us yesterday!" Kyle yelled, appearing from behind me.

I scrambled to my feet, just to get hit down again. I grunted, my head throbbing.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at them, a desperate attempt.

They ignored me, and kicked at me again. I tumbled down the hill of my backyard. I stopped rolling, and groaned. I tasted blood.

Dangit! I thought. Second time this week!

I heard the two walking down the hill, spitting curses at me, when I heard my gate fly open again. Whoops... guess that means they did close the gate. My bad.

Kyle let out a yelp, as he tumbled backwards, a surprised look on his face.

"You think it's funny? Beating up other kids in their own homes? Go run back to yours, and hope I don't come after you!" Yelled the unmistakable voice of Griffin Anderson.

James got up, and ran straight for my back fence, vaulting it, and kept on running, Kyle was not far behind.

"We'll be back, Jack!" James yelled, tripping on a mailbox, and falling into the street.

I laughed, quietly of course, and pulled myself up.

"Thanks Griffin." I said, grinning.

Griffin was a senior, two years older than me. We had met the year before, when I was a freshman. He was nice enough, a big strong kid with thick blonde hair, and blue eyes. He had a bit of a thing with Miranda a while back, but they were apart now. He played for the Jefferson high football team. He was number 5... WAIT A MINUTE-

"No problem." He said back, in his low (but still high for a senior) voice. "They bug you often, yeah?"

"Quite a bit." I sighed, fixing my jacket. "I'm fine though. Just a bit light headed."

My mom nonchalantly stepped out on the patio, and picked up Joshua off his seat.

"Thanks for watching him Jack. Oh! Hi Griffin, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing good Ms. Smith, thank you!" He replied, nodding

My mom smiled, and retreated back into the house.

"She will never know what just happened, you hear?" I said, quietly.


"Hey, didn't you used to wear glasses?" I asked, changing the subject.

He looked down, and grinned, nodding his head. "Yeah, I did. I got rid of them though. Coach said I needed contacts or I couldn't play."

"Hmm." I said, thinking for a moment.

"I'd better go..." Griffin said, noticing the awkwardness

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "Thanks for, you know, saving my ass."

"No problem. Tell Miranda I said hi." He said, jogging out of my yard.

He waved, and then he was gone.

I laughed, and walked inside.


"Hey Mom!" I shouted from inside my room, while I fiddled with my computer that I made myself: The "Jackdows10".

"Yeah?" She said, waltzing into my room.

"You have any idea why Metoob's not working?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's just your computer. It might be faulty." She told me, raising her eyebrows.

"No, I'm talking to my friends, they're saying the same."


I shrugged. "I'll find something out."

"It's almost time for bed."

"Okay. Love you mom."

"Love you too."

She closed the door, as I continued to look at the screen.

How can Metoob be down? I thought. Metoob never goes down!

I started to search through "Geegle", Metoob's sponsor. That wasn't working well either. At least it was still up. All of Geegle's links to Metoob was still there, but none of them where working. I started looking through the developer system. I cracked open Geegle's firewall, and began probing for information. As far what was there, there was nothing wrong... no notes of closure, but then I looked closer.

No... no... no... I thought to myself

Metoob had been recorded of shutting down because of extreme trauma in the workplace, as the official report showed. A tiny news notification popped up in the corner of my screen.

"Metoob massacre! What caused it, and is it the beginning of something bigger?"

I closed the computer quickly, and pulled out my phone, dialing TK's number. After a couple rings, he picked up.

"Are you seeing this?" I asked, in awe

"What, the Metoob massacre? Yeah, it's all over the news! The government is saying that a bunch of raged employees broke in and killed 30 executives brutally with their bare hands!"

"God... are they dead?"

"Yeah, the SWAT took them out... blew the entire building down in the process!" He said, sounding slightly scared.

"Alright... My god, pray for Geegle!"

"No kidding. I gotta go."


A.N: Sorry guys, should have clarified some. Here's the copyright free list of things

youtube- metoob

tumblr- Tumblin

mcdonalds- mcdougles

burger king- burger queen

dairy queen- dairy king

facebook- headstory

instagram- instantpictures

reddit- readit

Harry Potter- Barry Potter

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