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"JESUS CHRIST MOTHER TRUCKING CHEESE NIBBLETS WITH A SIDE OF POTATO SALAD WITH CANCER ON TOP!" I roared, sitting up from the small couch in the airport lobby.

I noticed instantly that people were staring at me. People in suspiciously clean clothing.

"Chill." Someone in a white lab coat said to me, as he shoved a needle up my arm. 

I grunted, and shifted around a little on the couch. I was still holding Jackson's hoodie in my hand.

"What's going on?"

"You passed out kid." The guy said. "You're in the lobby of the UCIA."

"Yeah, I know." I said, frustrated, "But what's going on?"

"I'm drawing blood for a simple test Mr. Joseph wants done." The doctor guy said.

"What test?" I asked.

"That's confidential for now, sir."

I sighed. "Where are they?" 

"Where are who?"

"I have a group-"

"Ah yes... they're in the cafeteria with the rest of the people who have already been tested. There, you will get food, and wait for your briefing. Then, you'll be assigned your plane, and you'll be flown to a refuge camp in the Great Lakes Region. Any questions?"

Okay, I had about a trillion questions, and I still do, but at that moment, I was too tired to ask any of them. The guy pulled the needle out of my arm, gave me a thumbs up, and pointed towards the cafeteria. I got up slowly, my head throbbing. I looked around at the lobby. Countless kids, and adults with fancy, clean clothes lounged around, waiting for their tests. They all looked rich and snobby. Like they came from nearby provinces. Wait...

Anyway, they were all staring at me. A couple were snickering. Whispers were drifting around, stuff like that. Why wouldn't they though? My clothes were a mess. Now stained with stranger blood, and my blood, the already ragged and torn clothes looked even worse. Considering I had a torn cloak in one arm, and a SWORD slung over the other, I wasn't exactly flashing "RICH GUY"

I walked gingerly down the hallway, all the while feeling more and more awkward. I made a left into the cafeteria and noticed more snobby people. Most of them were asleep though for some reason. Was it night already?

I looked around the cafeteria for TK, Miranda, Jordan, and Griffin. It wasn't hard, for they were almost as ragtag as I was. I made my way over to them. They were talking among themselves about things I couldn't understand, nor care about. I thought my head was seriously messed up. Something happened on that bridge.

"Hey." I sighed.

TK turned around and grinned.

"Look who it is!" He said.

The others turned around as well. Griffin slammed his hand on my back. It was supposed to be friendly, but it hurt. A ton. Jordan smiled, and whirled around a couple knives in her hands. Miranda hugged me quickly, but then shoved me away, muttering something about not believing he did that

I smiled painfully, and then turned to TK.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?"

"You're the only reason I'm alive." I told him.

TK seemed to think about this for a second. He nodded.

"It's no problem. You would have done the same for me."

I'm sure I would have, but TK was smart enough not to BE in the predicament in the first place.

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