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We tailed him by a long distance, hiding in bushes and behind houses. My heart pounded as we followed him. Every few minutes he would look behind him, shrug and continue. All the while, my anger was building. How could he do this? Was he ever with us? Did he have a part in capturing the others? How did he get away with this?!

"Where is he going...?" Auden asked.

"If I knew, would we be following him right now?"


"Then shut up and stay in the shadows." I said.

We crept forward after Jackson turned around again. He continued his journey North. I checked a map of Pinedale, I had slipped out of my backpack.

"He's heading for the docks!" I whispered. Why the docks?

It was odd though. He was taking an awfully odd way to the docks, moving in between streets he didn't need to. It was as if...

"He already knows we're following him." I said, angirly.

"You seem angry."

"I trusted him! After all the times he helped us, he could have helped Kyle and James capture TK Miranda, Jordan, and Griffin!
"You think he had a hand in taking them?"

"I know he did." I said, beginning to rise from the bush we were hiding in.

"No, what are you doing?" Auden asked, shaking his head.

"I'm going to find out what's going on. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him." I growled.

I began to walk directly towards him. Whoever was at the docks would here me, but so be it.

"HEY!" I roared.

Jackson spun around, a gun already in hand. I pulled the trigger on mine, expecting this. The pistol jumped in my hand. Jackson staggered back, shot. I was suprised. I was a terrible shot. He slumped to the ground, clutching his knee. Meh. Close enough.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" I yelled, walking over to him, as he cowered on the ground.

I landed a swift kick to his side. Anyone else, I would have hesitated. That's when I realized, I didn't know this guy at all. I kicked him again.


Auden stumbled over, looking sweaty. "What the heck is wrong with you!?"

Jackson looked up, panting. "Are you referring to me, or him?"


He paused for a minute. "Huh?"

"GET UP!" I yelled again.

Jackson staggered to his feet. "What do you want?"

I grabbed him by his shoulder, and pulled him close to me. I pulled out my sword, and held it against his neck.

"Remember this sword? The one you gave to me? The one you TRUSTED me with?" I yelled, shoving him back to the ground. "I'll kill you with this! With NO HESITATION!"

Jackson scrambled backwards. "What do you want?" He repeated.

"Why did you betray us?" I stated simply. "And led Kyle and James to us? Don't forget even pretending to side with us in the first place? Or didn't kill us when you found us?"

He looked down shamefully. "It's not James. It's Just Kyle now. James died in the riots."

"Perfect. My question still stands."

"You really don't know anything, do you? Haven't learned anything from what I told you, do you? You didn't realize Riverside North is a fake? That it's obviously a deathtrap? That the world is gone, and there's nowhere else to run? YOU DIE HERE JACK! THERE ISN'T A WAY OUT! YOU CAN"T SAVE EVERYONE!"

Auden rushed up, and punched him square in the face. He went down, Auden screaming in his face. I couldn't hear him though. I was taken back at what he had said. He was right... I couldn't save everyone... Was I trying to do that? I just wanted the ones I loved to live. Was that wrong?

"ANSWER." Auden screamed, hitting Jackson again. "THE." Again. "QUESTION!" One more time, and Jackson was down, out cold.

I was back in the real world, walking to Jackson, and kicking him again in the side. Somehow his hood remained on his head. He twisted his head in our direction .

"We know where we're heading. We don't need you anymore."

"Do you want to unmask him?" Auden asked, grinning.

I kicked Jackson again. "He's not worth it."

He nodded. "Let's go to the docks."

"I just hope it's not too late."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small pack of 5 strangers lumbering in our direction.

"You can have him!" I shouted at the strangers, as they stumbled towards Jackson.

We took off down the street. I had so many doubts about the world. I considered everything Jackson had ever said to me. The less people see your face, the less likely it is to be recognized. No kidding. I never knew who the guy was. Simply just a guy with a Welsh accent, and a lot of balls.

"Jack! Look!" Auden said, motioning down the road.

Jackson's van was semi-parked in the middle of the road. All the doors were open, as if a group of people broke into the van and... they... Crap.

"Get in the car." I said, running to it. "Arm yourself."

Auden jumped into the backseat, and closed all the doors.

"Hey! There are YBox-"

"YES! AUDEN WE'VE ALREADY CONFIRMED THIS! Make sure you've got your safety off, a weapon in hand, and a bullet in the chamber.

I started the car with keys that were already in the car. I heard the click from Auden's pistol in the back seat.

"M'kay. I'm good."

I rolled my eyes, and pressed softly on the gas petal. The car jerked forward so fast, I slammed on the brakes. Auden flew forward.

"Put on your seatbelt!" I yelled.

He grumbled, and and clicked the seatbelt on.

I pressed on the gas again, and we surged through the road. Thank god the world had ended. I would never get a driver's license. We hurtled down the road at the breakneck speed of 8 mph... At least its faster than running, yeah?

The docks came into few, just a bunch of wooden platforms holding a bunch of boats. I heard a soft growling from outside. I looked out the window, and saw a mess of strangers making their way down the road. The engine noise had attracted them.

"Maybe we should spring for a new muffler."

Auden smiled weakly, and nodded.

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