Chapter 3-The Alpha

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Chapter 3-The Alpha 

Sydney Carrington's POV 

Today is the day. The day that I would be tied to Will for the rest of my life. I held Will's hand excitedly as we arrived at the ceremonial grounds together.  

The other members of the pack followed behind and I could feel the excitement in the air. 

Looking around, it was clear that the Alpha King was here due to the many soldiers and guards. I looked up at Will and a small smile graced my lips. Will looked incredibly handsome today with his white dress shirt and black pants.  

I smoothed down my white dress and we walked to the designated area for our pack. The entire season lasted for a week and today was the first day.  

Wolves had to put their names on a register and the pair who was going to be mated would have their names called out and together, they would make their way to the altar where they would say their vows and drink a potion where their souls would be bound together for the rest of eternity.  

The pair would be seated separately and only be reunited at the altar. This represented the action of two souls lost before meeting each other but becoming one when they met. Some thought it was silly but I thought it was beautiful.  

Alphas and betas who registered to take part in the ceremony were to be bound to their chosen mate first as a sign of power and respect. After, the rest of wolves were to go next.  

Looking around, there didn't seem to be many alphas or betas participating this year but there were many couples milling around before the season started when the full moon was high in the sky. By now, the sun had already set, leaving us in the dark and torches were lit around the grassy plains.  

All the packs in the world were here. We had seven, one in each continent. And each pack had an alpha and a beta. And all seven alphas reported to the alpha King who was not just an Alpha and who resided in the United Kingdom.  

Will and I were in the North American pack and even though Will was only twenty-five and considered to be way too young to be beta in a pack, he was very capable and dedicated to his job. But me? I wasn't sure if I was able to deal with being the mate of a beta.  

As if Will seemed to know what I was thinking, he held onto my hand tightly and rubbed comforting circles on my hand. Looking around once more, I caught sight of a tall muscular man standing in the shadows watching Will and I. 

Somehow, the man seemed familiar but I was really sure I had not met him before in my life. Because I would have definitely remembered him. As he was in the shadows, I could only see the planes of his defined cheekbones and jaw and his silver-grey eyes that was observing Will and I. 

"Why is Alpha Kingston looking at you?" 

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