Chapter 21-The Prisoners

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Chapter 21-The Prisoners

Brendon Kingston's POV

Waking up, I was once again met with the sight of blonde hair tickling my nose. My heart warmed at the sight of Sydney in my bed as she cuddled up to me.

A slow smile crossed my face as she shifted before pressing her head into my chest. I gently raised my hand to stroke the back of her head gently as I filed this memory among the others I had of her.

In her sleep, Sydney was the type of person to cuddle. Some people hogged the whole bed, some simply stayed in the same position but Sydney? She always moved closer to whoever was in the bed.

Now that Sydney slept in my room, I felt closer to her. I looked down at her and the peaceful expression on her face. Occasionally, her eyelids would flutter and her nose would scrunch up slightly.

I liked looking at her while she slept, it may be creepy but she was fascinating. Who knew that under her angelic looks that she was such a spitfire?

Looking down at her, even when asleep, Sydney was beautiful. Her golden curls were in disarray as they tumbled around her shoulders and fanned across the pillows. Thick eyelashes dusted the top of her cheekbones and her plump pink lips were open a little.

Her cheeks were slightly pink, due to the cool weather and the nightgown she was wearing showed off her cleavage and the white lace didn't help. Instead, it made it all the more enticing.

As I observed her, Sydney one again shifted and this time her hand nearly hit me in the face if I had not moved my hand away. I sighed before glancing at the clock.

It was already nine and I had things to do. I knew Sydney was a little bored here and there but I didn't want to burden her with all the issues going on with the pack and that included whatever I was doing.

Reluctantly, I released my hold on her and climbed out of the bed. After showering and doing whatever needed to be done, I headed down and stopped when I just remembered that Rhett and the rest had arrived safely with our hostages a few days ago.

I had yet to see them again and at the thought of them, anger from the wolf surfaced. Before, while I was in bed with Sydney, it was silent and content as we spent some time with her. But now, at the thought of those who had hurt her? The wolf wanted blood. Their blood.

A low snarl ripped from me at the thought of them. No one knew that they had been taken, everyone thought they had went off on a long holiday. Thus, no one could accuse me or the pack for taking them. A cynical smirk cross my face as I flexed my fingers.

Walking down the stairs, the yearning to be back with Sydney entered and I sighed and forced my legs to move on. I had things to do and the faster I did them, the faster I could get back to her.

Things were finally moving accordingly. It has been two months since she had arrived here and now, we were starting anew.

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