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4 Years Later

Brendon Kingston's POV

"And the dinosaur ate him up."

I took one of Cayden's many stuffed dinosaur before using it to maul the other dinosaur in Cayden's hand.

"Roaaaarrr!" Cayden shouted as he grabbed the stuffed toy in my hand and the one he was holding making them hit each other. A smile lit onto my face as my son played with his toys on the living room floor.

Neither Sydney or I had any idea where Cayden's fascination with dinosaurs came from. "Daddy! You're supposed to be the green one!" He pouted and I could feel my heart squeeze a little at that sight.

"Alright." I murmured and Cayden happily mimicked me and staged a dinosaur war.

Cayden Jasper Kingston had made his arrival four years ago. Sydney had claimed that she was lucky as hell to be only in labour for three hours. Judging by the nail marks on my arm, I would have to say I agreed with her.

Cayden had my dark hair and Sydney's blue eyes, though I had to say that he had Sydney's mostly outgoing personality rather than my quiet reserved one. Although he was only four years old, he was already showing strong signs of being an Alpha.

"And then, he tore the head off the other animal!" Cayden shouted as he pretended for the dinosaur he was holding to 'bite' the stuffed deer in his hand.

I blinked at that. I knew Sydney nor I had ever taught our son that sort of thing. Clenching my jaw, I already knew who the culprit was.

Sydney had thought it would be a good idea to let Sarah and Rhett babysit Cayden occasionally but I had disagreed. This was most probably due to the fact that at times, Rhett could act like he was the child instead.

But, what was done was already done. I sighed and glanced at the clock, seeing that it was already noon. This was Cayden's lunch time and if he was hungry, things were going to turn ugly.

"Come on buddy, time for lunch. We can continue playing after." I said and gestured to Cayden to come with me.

Cayden scrutinised me before giving in and mumbled. "Fine." Standing up, I scooped up Cayden into my arms and entered the kitchen where Sydney had already prepared his lunch before leaving to take care of some organising issue.

"When's mommy coming back?" Cayden questioned as he shoved spoonfuls of macaroni into his mouth. I watched him and shrugged. "In about an hour." I answered and Cayden nodded his head before continuing to eat.

Looking at my son, it wasn't uncommon for me to have that sudden warm feeling of awe and disbelief whenever I looked at him. Never had I imagined that in just a few years, I was happily mated and had a family that I would die for.

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