Chapter 22-The Confession

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Chapter 22-The Confession

Sydney Carrington's POV

Brendon Kingston

The name was scrawled on my skin as if it was a tattoo. My fingers lingered on the letters and a shiver wrecked through me.

Just touching it had such a reaction. I sighed and traced the lettering on my left wrist gently. Weeks have passed since the Blood Exchange has been done and sometimes it felt as if it never happened. Like it was all a dream.

But the proof was on my wrist and when I was younger, I had thought the whole business of it was romantically lovely. Now? I thought it was a weakness. If anyone wanted Kingston dead, they could simply kill me and he would be dead too. I was obviously the weaker part of our bond.

I didn't like that I was potentially a weakness for Kingston. If anything ever happened to Kingston because of me, it would definitely be my fault. At the thought of something bad happening to Kingston, the wolf let out a threatening growl and paced warily around my head.

It was no surprise that my wolf was already fully bonded to Kingston. And why not? I loved that Kingston cared so much about me that he actually wanted to get justice for me. But the way he went about it was wrong.

I peered into the mirror and craned my neck slightly to the left to look at the mark Kingston had given me. The horrible scars were gone and all was left was a faint mark of Kingston's bite.

Thinking back, it was clear that I had been so impulsive and immature from the way I had behaved. But I was still twenty and well, still growing and learning about how to deal with different situations. After all, life was all about making mistakes and learning from them.

And now, I was pretty proud to say that I was no longer that impulsive hotheaded girl who acted rashly without thinking of the consequences. Being here in the European pack was a learning experience for me to grow and to mature.

Dealing with Kingston wasn't an easy feat either. He was temperamental, moody and easily provoked and well stubborn and hotheaded. It didn't help one bit when his wolf was exactly like him.

However, he had a softer side, a side that no one else really sees. And that side was only shown to Cara and I. Now that I have accepted the bond between Kingston and I, I was more inclined to be fully bonded with him. And that meant heading to third base.

Shivers went through my body at that and I looked down at Kingston's name on my wrist once more. A smile crept onto my face at the thought of Kingston. We had been spending more time together but a part of my smile faded as the events of yesterday filtered through my head.

I knew Kingston still refused to let Will and Giselle go due to ideology of justice but it wasn't right. And when I had requested for him to let them go, a stubborn glint in his eyes appeared and I knew he wasn't going to do so.

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