Chapter 11-The Sorrow

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Chapter 11-The Sorrow

Sydney Carrignton's POV

I opened my eyes and blinked in shock to see Kingston watching me. The room was dark and i guessed it was probably really early in the morning or it was rather late at night but we just sat there watching each other.

Well, for me, I was quite confused, looking around the room, it wasn't familiar at all. The room I was in wasn't the room I have been using here in the European pack.

Looking back at Kingston, I chewed on my lower lip before asking, "Where am I?"

Kingston studied me warily before replying carefully, "You're in my room."

At this, I froze and looked down at my attire. I was dressed in a white nightgown that certainly didn't belong to me. "Wh-why?" I asked nervously, my heart pounding. Had Kingston taken his rights? But how?

And everything came back to me. The note. The chocolates. The pain and the poisoning.

"Don't you remember?"

My heart starting beating really loudly and my palms became clammy. "Did you take your rights? Is that why you poisoned me?!" I started to become hysterical and Kingston narrowed his eyes.

The thought of someone touching me while I wasn't awake sent shivers of disgust crawling through me. And I felt sick as if bile was coming out of my throat.

"My rights?"

I knew I was being hysterical as I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Your mating rights! Did you do it while I wasn't awake?!"

Kingston growled angrily at me as he grabbed my hands. "Sydney! Calm down!"

"You did didn't you? You fucked me while I wasn't conscious!" By now I was full on screaming and Kingston clamped his hands over my mouth.

"Calm down!" He growled and his Alpha authority leaked into his words. Immediately, I stopped and stared at him with wide eyes as I took deep breaths, feeling my hysteria ebb away.

Kingston watched me and took his hand away from my mouth before saying, "I may be many things but raping women isn't something I'll ever do. Especially to my chosen."

I looked into his eyes and saw honesty there before I nodded shakily. My hands were still sweaty and I swore that my heart was beating so fast and loud that I was pretty sure Kingston could hear it from where he was sitting.

"Now, why did you say I poisoned you?" He questioned, his eyes dark with anger.

At this, my gaze flew to his and a blank expression crossed my face. "The chocolates you gave me. There was a note that came with it and it said that it was from you."

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