Chapter 16-The Talk

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Chapter 16-The Talk

Sydney Carrington's POV

Feeling the sensation of someone watching me, I opened my eyes to see a pair of green eyes looking at me with deep concern.

Blinking, I immediately sat up. "Sarah?" I gasped as soon as I realised that the figure of my sister wasn't disappearing.

"Hey there sleepyhead." She smiled warmly and tears welled up in my eyes to see that she was safe. "You're here! I mean here in Kingston's pack. How? When? Where's Sean?" I cried out in happiness as I hugged her tightly. Sarah hugged me back and she gave me a big grin.

"Yeah, we're in Alpha Kingston's pack. We got here yesterday early in the morning. And Sean is fine. Still sleeping like the pig he is. How are you Sydney? I mean, after yesterday..." Sarah trailed off with an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Yesterday?" I questioned before tensing as the memories of that horrible day was etched into my mind. "Oh god. Yesterday, Will and Giselle-" I cut myself off and stared down at the sheets on the bed, betrayal was stung.

I was such a blind fool. How could I not have realised it sooner? Was I always too caught up with my dreams for the future? Has my head been too high in the clouds? I should've known, nothing good ever worked out for me.

And I realised that I was in Kingston's bedroom once again. I fiddled with the detailed design of a lacy nightgown I was wearing and remained silent for a moment before I spoke quietly, "I was such an idiot Sarah."

My sister sighs and pulls me into her arms, "You're not. How could you have known? How could anyone have known?"

"I should have. And being used because I'm orphan? That hurts. I mean I thought Will was an amazing guy. I thought wrong. It seems I have a terrible judge of character." I said bitterly and push a curl behind my ear.

"Sydney, you couldn't have known. And from what I heard from Rhett, they got it good when Kingston was done with them yesterday."

I met my sister's eyes and frowned, "What?"

"Yesterday when Alpha Kingston went to get you, he almost strangled Will to death and threatened Giselle. He even said that he'll go to war with them if needed to." Sarah finished with a smug smirk on her face while my eyes widened.

Going to war just for me? I couldn't seem to believe it. "Are you serious?" I blurted out and Sarah nodded. "Yeah. According to Rhett. Alpha Kingston seems to really care for you."

At this, I inhaled sharply. "He doesn't. No one does." I say quietly and Sarah rolled her eyes. "Don't play stupid with me Syd, the man obviously feels something for you."

I remained silent, not wanting to divulge anything to Sarah.

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