Chapter 15-The Dark Knight

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Chapter 15-The Dark Knight

Brendon Kingston's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and let out a loud roar before smashing my right fist on it. The glass shattered and dropped onto the counters and in the sink.

I always fucked up. Always. Every time I managed to take one step closer to Sydney, I would fuck it up and then, take ten steps back to the starting point.

I clenched my fist, feeling the broken pieces of the glass cut into my flesh. But I welcomed the pain. After all I had done to Sydney, I deserved it. And this pain could never compare to the emotional and physical pain I had put her through.

Seeing her flinch away from me and hearing her imply that she could be with anyone, my wolf didn't like it. Not one bit. Thus the canines came out. Hearing her voice saying that she hated me, that was like a dagger into my heart.

I regretted it. It referring to all the terrible things I had done. I was hopeless and the wolf was oddly silent. It knew that we had driven our chosen away even further and it was regretting its action with anger and remorse. Not at Sydney but at ourselves.

I knew Sydney had left. I could feel all her emotions. The anger, the sadness, the disbelief and mostly, the hurt. God, the hurt she was feeling overwhelmed me when I reached into our bond to feel her.

I was a monster. A moster to all, even to his own mate.

I looked at my reflection in the broken mirror and shut my eyes in pain. And I wondered how my father would look at me now. With pride that I was ruining my life or with a sneer on his wicked face?

My hands clenched into fists once again and I abruptly turned away from the mirror and into my study. I wasn't surprised that Sydney had left. I would too if I was in her shoes. Running away from me was the option I would take myself.

I didn't blame Sydney for leaving. She was probably better off without me. Here I could hurt her even if I didn't want to and she would always fear me. Never accepting or loving me but fearing me. That is something I didn't want from her. Ever.

Sydney leaving was for the best. She would have a better life without me. No one was capable of loving me and being with me. I was most probably the reincarnation of the devil or most likely, the devil himself.

The things I've did in the past, to my uncle and to my father and to Sydney, they were things that was going to send me straight to hell. Murdering your family members was the way to go wasn't it? I had nothing to lose.

Not anymore. Cara was old enough now to be on her own. It certainly wasn't easy raising an infant when you were only ten. But with some help from the women in the pack, I managed. None of us had ever heard from Cara's birth mother again and I was glad for that. Because the emotional turmoil that Cara would be put through wouldn't be easy for her.

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