Welcome to Cross Academy

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A/N: The video is Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi, the Vampire Knight opening.

"Princess Sayama, please reconsider your decision to join this school. You have already graduated from a higher level of schooling, and you need no more learning," Ayara, my handmaid, pleaded, touching my shoulder lightly.

I smiled at the old woman. She was worried for me because I decided to go to Cross Academy, a prestigious school for both vampires and humans, even though the humans did not know about the vampires. The vampires were placed in the Night Class, and they are all aristocrats or higher.

My father just happens to be one of the highest ranking vampires in the world, right up there with the Kurans. But everyone thinks that my father, and my family, went into complete reclusion ten years ago when my mother was killed. No one ever knew much of my existence. They only knew there was a Sayama Princess who was being raised in the Sayama family home.

I was raised in a very untraditional manner. My father had a vampire hunter, Toga Yagari train me, even though he was reluctant. Master Yagari also had a duty towards the Kiryuu family, so he couldn't train me every day. He has been training me every day since the Kiryuu family got attacked, though. The only reason he decided to stay was because I was apparently the only vampire he truly liked.

Master Yagari had been trespassing on my father's lands on accident one day, when I was about five, and so some of my father's guards brought him to my father. I was with my father in his office when the two lower class vampires brought the pissed off hunter in the room. I was immediately taken by his aura, which was dangerously intriguing. I was already attentive to people's emotions and moods, so when my the guards asked my father if they were to kill Master Yagari, I immediately stood and protected Master Yagari. The guards, Master Yagari, and my father were all shocked by my actions.

From that day on, Master Yagari became my closest friend. He taught me how to defend myself, and told me various things about the human world that I didn't know. He would bring me small gifts every time he came to visit me, and I would always put them on a special shelf.

Then that fateful day came. The day that my mother died. I was seven, almost eight years old, and it was almost two years after Master Yagari first met me. It was incredibly snowy, and I was outside when I saw my mother stumble out of the forest, blood covering her chest and stomach. I ran to her aid, and she was already dying when I got to her. She couldn't speak, but she handed me her locket, put her hand on my cheek, and died.

I was completely traumatized, being only seven, and everything else that happened that night was a complete blur. My mother died on the same day as Lord Haruka Kuran and Lady Juri Kuran. My father and I went to the Kurans' funeral. That was the first time I met Kaname Kuran. I knew from his aura, which I was able to perceive very well, that he was strong, and very sad at the time, but that he had something that gave him a bit of light in all the darkness. My father had told me he knew of a Kuran Princess that had been hidden from Rido Kuran because he sought her for unclear reasons.

We did not hold a public funeral for my mother, as the Kurans did. We didn't want anyone's pity, so we only invited people close to our family. The Kiryuu family came, only because they had just found out that Master Yagari had been training me. They were intrigued by me, and my willingness to accept a vampire hunter into my life. I met their two sons, Zero and Ichiru there. I got along quite well with Ichiru, but Zero took a while to warm up to me. Ichiru was kinder than Zero, and he immediately apologized for my mothers death. I could see in his eyes that it was not meaningless pity, but that he was truly sorry for me. After the funeral, my father became reclusive, not speaking to anyone but me unless it was absolutely necessary. I frequently asked Master Yagari to bring Zero and Ichiru to train with me, and he did quite often.

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