The Princess of Darkness

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The day before exams, I walked alone with Maria at the back of the line as we processed out of the dorms and to class. I was quite happy that there weren't many of the Day Class lined up, and I took the chance to relax.

"Maria," I said, "Have you been getting along well?"

"Yes, thank you, Mara-chan!" She said in her soprano voice that tinkled like bells.

Bells... That reminds me...

I bit my lip and decided that I would ask Maria my question later, when we could be alone. I definitely didn't want to ask around Zero.

"Are you still worried?" I heard Akatsuki ask Hanabusa.

"I'm not the only one," Hanabusa replied, just as the pair passed Zero.

I trailed a little behind Maria, and watched carefully as she stopped by Yuki. She lifted her hand to Yuki's face, but Zero pulled Yuki away from Maria before their skin made contact. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

I need to do something. Not just sit in the background while everyone else deals with everything! God, I used to be so... Outgoing, spontaneous, and confident. What has this place done to me? Maybe that's it. Maybe I need to take a break and sort out my plans. I can feel something coming. I'm just not sure what it is.

I walked past Yuki, Zero, and Maria, entered class, and immediately sat in the very back row, in the seat next to the window. The teacher walked in, and classes began.

In our third class, I began to feel... Odd.

My head started hurting, as well as my gums. I rubbed my temples, trying to concentrate on the teacher's voice. I closed my eyes as my head pounded. Finally, I raised my hand.

"Semara-sama?" He asked.

"May I- ugh" I held my hand to my forehead, "Go to the nurse?"

"Yes, of course!"

I stood quickly and made my way out of class. I stumbled across campus and fell down my a tree, clutching my head.

No, not now!

My reality faded into the reality of others as I watched what was happening to Zero.

~ Vision ~

"So, you can sense me," Shizuka Hio said through Maria's mouth, "Because of  our blood bond. It fills my empty heart."

Zero calmly held his Bloody Rose to Shizuka's chest, and put his hand on the trigger.

"Finally... You've come to kill me. So go on, Zero. Purge me of my sins. If you actually can pull the trigger," She said, and Zero's eyes widened as he struggled, "Are you surprised?"

Shizuka brought her face close to Zero's, but he pulled back, "Don't touch me."

"You cannot kill me. I am your master, and because you are my servant, you can't do it," She said, rubbing her thumb over Zero's lips.

Zero pushed her away and stepped back, holding out his Bloody Rose once more.

"You are the first who hasn't yielded. You make me so happy," Shizuka said, "You recognized me, even though my appearance is different. You knew I was the one who who stole your humanity."

"That's right," Zero spat, "I can't forget that, Shizuka Hio. That day, your true face was wet with our blood."

Yuki was outside of the door now, listening in shock.

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