St. Xocolatl's Day

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The song is called Still Doll. Also, this chapter is dedicated to IlyssaYe for being my first commenter!!!!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! <3 <3

On St. Xocolatl's Day, the Day Class was ten times louder than normal.

I looked out the window, staring off at the gates and wishing Yagari was here. I missed Ichiru as well, but I knew he was safe where he was.

At least for now.

"Are you excited, Mara-sama?" Takuma asked me.

I smiled at him, "Yes. It sound fun."

"You seem to be the only one other than Aido and myself who is excited," Takuma smiled at Aido, who was floating on his own personal cloud of vanity.

Kaname descended the stairs, and we all exchanged our hellos to him. We processed out as normal, but stopped at the open gates.

Yuki started talking to the Day Class, trying to calm them down some.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun!" Hanabusa exclaimed happily.

"None of this interests me. It just seems like a pain," Senri said from beside me.

"Just put up with it, Shiki," Akatsuki said dully.

"Alright! Day Class ladies!" Yuki glanced around, saw some guys in the mix too, then added, "And gentlemen! How many gifts can you pass out? The event is about to start! And for you Night Class students, please stand by your gates and accept the chocolates given to you! We want this to proceed with as much order as possible. And listen! This isn't a game! These ladies (and gentlemen) take this very seriously!"

"Taking chocolates from girls is my obligation! I need to get each and every one!" Hanabusa said, darting forward.

"Wait! It's not time, Aido!" Yuki exclaimed frustratedly.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Aido," I said simply, and he froze, "You need to behave yourself. Understand?"

"U-uh... Yes, Semara-sama," He said apologetically, looking embarrassed.

"Thank you, Mara-sama!" Yuki said, bowing at the waist.

"Yuki, you don't need to use honorifics. Just call me Mara, or Mara-chan," I smiled, ruffling her short hair.

She blushed wildly as the whole Night Class looked on in shock, even Senri and Rima.

"U-Uh, sure... Mara-chan," She stuttered, then ran back to the Day Class, "Alright! On the whistle!"

As soon as she blew the whistle, we began to process through.

Senri and Rima tried to walk through without stopping, but Takuma grabbed Senri around the shoulders and brought him to the Shiki fans. Ruka stood fuming as Kaname accepted gifts from the Day Class girls.

"You look scary," Akatsuki said.

"Your expression isn't any better. They're giving you chocolate. The least you could do is smile," Ruka glared at poor Akatsuki.

The Day Class president came up to Ruka and tried offering her chocolates. Ruka looked completely annoyed, and I kept walking, until I looked at Aido, who seemed to be enjoying himself very well.

"And what would your blood type be?" Hanabusa asked in a sexy voice, making the poor girls blush and swoon.

"Huh? It's Type O. Why?" The Day Class girl looked horribly confused.

Pureblood Princess {Vampire Knight}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora