Their Choices

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I stood near the window when we went to ethics class.

I wasn't really surprised when Yagari entered the classroom.

"Hello. My name is Toga Yagari, and I will be your ethics teacher starting today," He said, standing behind the desk and placing a red book down, "Before we start... Nice to meet you all... Vampires."

I huffed and looked out of the window, my eyes glowing red. I was still pissed off at Yagari and what he said yesterday night.

"Yagari?" Ruka asked, disbelief evident on her face, "That's the name of the number one Vampire Hunter working right now. And this guy's our new ethics teacher?"

"So he's the one behind last night's gunfire," Hanabusa realized.

"Rest assured, class," Yagari said calmly, "Today, I'm an excellent teacher with proper certification."

"So then, you intend to spy on the Night Class from now on?" Kaname asked, staring at a book in his hands, "Or, is the real reason that you want to kill a vampire among us... Mr. Yagari?"

"Well now... Hello, Kaname Kuran," Yagari said, closing his eyes and smirking a bit, "Unfortunately, my execution list is completely empty right now. But if you find my class boring and fall asleep, I can easily add you on."

Ruka and Hanabusa growled.

"How dare you say that to Lord Kaname?!" Ruka shouted, her clenched fists shaking with rage.

"Ruka, cut it out," Akatsuki said calmly.

"I will try to be careful, then... Teacher," Kaname said spitefully.

"Humph," Yagari said, then started his lecture, which I paid no attention to.

I sensed Yuki standing outside. I had heard her ask Yagari about Zero before. I sensed that the... Choices... She was about to make... Were not good... At all.

"So... Are there any questions?" Yagari asked, leaning against the chalkboard. There was no response, "Well then... That will be all for today. Class is dismissed."

Yagari pushed himself off of the wall and grabbed his book.

I sensed Seiren's intentions before she even threw the knife, and my body acted on instinct before I could comprehend my actions.

I recklessly threw myself in front of Yagari, and the knife pricked the side of my shoulder before I froze it solid, making it crash to the ground.

The vampires gasped and stared at me in shock.

I felt Yagari's eyes on my back, and I could feel the shock on his aura.

"Now why'd you go and do that, idiot?" Yagari asked, grabbing my good shoulder and tugging me out of the classroom.

I huffed and yanked away from him, "It's not my fault... My body acted before I could stop myself."

"I see you remember well," He stated, looking carefully at me.

"How could I forget?" I whispered, looking up at him.

There was a moment of silence before he turned and left the room without another word. I looked down at my sliced sleeve and sighed. My wound had healed already, but there was still blood on my shirt and blazer.

"Lady Sayama... I apologize deeply for my reckless actions," Seiren's said, kneeling on the ground before me.

"Don't let it happen again," I said, and she nodded.

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