The Consequences of Desire

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I sighed as I sat on the couch, thinking about the vision I had of Shizuka telling Yuki that if she doesn't want Zero to degenerate, she would have to either give herself to Shizuka, or kill Kaname Kuran.

All of a sudden, I smelled blood. A lot of blood.


I flashed outside, heading over to the dorms. I went to Zero's room, where the blood was coming from, and saw Zero pull out Ichiru's sword from Yagari's shoulder. I winced and my throat dried up and tightened with vampiric thirst. No doubt my eyes were a blazing red. Ichiru walked out of the room and headed in the opposite direction of me, and I rushed in the room, helping Yagari up.

"Mara, your eyes..." Zero said, his own eyes staring at mine.

"I'm fine."

I started walking out of the room and heading to the Headmaster's office. Zero got under Yagari's other arm and helped me carry him. Zero staggered and fell, along with Yagari, at the Headmaster's door. I was weakened by my own thirst as well.

"Zero! Mara-chan!" I looked over at Zero, who didn't meet Kaien's eyes, "What happened?"

"Please take care of my master," Zero said, standing up and trying to walk away.

"Zero, hold on!" Zero kept on slightly staggering, ignoring the Headmaster's call for him. Kaien sighed and looked down at myself and Yagari.

I grabbed Yagari once more and pulled him into Kaien's office. I got out the medical supplies and started cleaning his wound. It was difficult for me to not drink the ruby red blood pouring out of Yagari. I suppressed my thirst, as usual, and bandaged him up, before helping him to one of the couches and sitting him down.

"What happened?" Kaien asked.

"It was nothing. Just an accident," Yagari said, then added, "I ran into Ichiru."

"You mean... That wound is from...?" Kaien asked, shocked.

"Anything is possible now," Yagari replied, "Tell me... Do you still plan to stay a bystander?"

I got up because I couldn't restrain myself much longer, and walked out of the room. I flashed back to the Night Dorms, slamming the door when I entered. I had severely deprived myself of blood, and now I was paying the consequences. The aristocrats, along with Kaname, and Luna, looked up at me, surprised. They took in my ragged appearance: blood all over my clothes and my hands, red eyes. They jumped to horrible conclusions.

"Mara?" Luna asked, standing up and looking at me with cautious eyes, "What did you do?"

"I didn't kill anyone, if that's what you think," I snapped, "It's not my fault Yagari went around getting himself run through by Ichiru's sword. Idiot." I growled under my breath and stomped up the stairs, wanting to get the blood off of me.

Before I even got up the stairs two steps, I smelled fresh blood. Yuki's blood. I growled in frustration, and slammed my hand against the wall, making cracks form along it.

"Can't a girl get a break around here?" I asked to myself, then descended the stairs, "I'm going into town."

I grabbed my coat and put it on before walking out of the door.

"Mara! You can't just go walking off in the middle of the night!" Luna shouted after me.

I ignored her and kept walking.

Once I was in town, I went back to my aunt's house, going into the basement and drinking three full bottles of blood. Once I finished, I licked my lips and went back outside.

I realized that I was missing the dance, but I didn't care. Then I realized that Yuki would give herself to Shizuka tonight. I hissed and used my teleportation power to get in my room. My power was at its fullest now that I had finally given in and tasted human blood for the first time in months.

I plucked a white corset dress my father had gotten me before I came here out of my closet. I quickly threw it on and pulled a few pieces of my hair back with white string. White heels went on my feet, and I was out of the door.

I composed myself before entering the ballroom, searching for Yuki. She was talking to Kaname on a balcony, and Zero watched closely. Hanabusa and Akatsuki suddenly left, probably looking for Shizuka's real body. I began making my way to the balcony, but was stopped by a horde of Day Class boys. I politely excused myself, and was able to get away after about five minutes. The next time I looked at the balcony, Yuki was gone, as was Zero. I growled in frustration and stormed over to Kaname.

"Kaname," I said through my teeth, "Where are Yuki and Zero?"

"Zero is doing his duty," Kaname answered, seeming quite angry himself.

"Doing his duty my ass. He's not your personal dog, you bastard! Just because you're a Pureblood Prince doesn't mean you can tell Zero to risk his life!" I shoved Kaname, and he slammed against the wall, but I was already jumping over the balcony and running to the old teacher's dorms.

I'll also show you a sweet dream
Next night

A/N: Wow, sorry I was AWOL for a while there. This short chapter doesn't really make up for it, but I'm probably going to double update. Maybe even triple update.

Anyway, there are only two more chapter until this book is finished. I might be delayed in posting the second book, because I want to edit this first.

Also, if you would like to create a character/ want yourself in the Guilty book, or the third book, pm me and we'll work something out.



~ C-chan (≧∇≦)

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