The Night Class Arrives

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The video is the main theme of Vampire Knight.

I woke up at dusk the next day. I felt the sudden presence of six aristocrats and one pureblood lord. I knew who it was right away, of course.

Kaname Kuran.

I got out of my bed and changed into a purple corset dress that came to my knees, pairing it with a pair of black tights and black boots. I brushed my hair and braided it, binding the long, thick waves together. I sighed and opened my door, going down to greet my new classmates.

When I arrived downstairs, Kaname Kuran stood in front of six aristocrats. They all looked up as I descended the stairs gracefully, eyes slightly wide. Kaname didn't look surprised at all, though.

"Hello. My name is Semara Sayama. I'm your new classmate," I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

The six aristocrats bowed, and Kaname nodded his head in respect. He was, of course, my elder, but the Sayama bloodline has been running for far longer than the Kuran.

"Pleasure to meet you, Princess Sayama," The aristocrats said in unison.

"Likewise," I said as they straightened, "I hope we'll get along well."

Kaname spoke for the first time then, "What brings you here, Semara?"

I raised one eyebrow at his question, "Why, to learn of course. I've never really been outside of the Sayama family territory, you know. I thought it would be an opportune time to experience the human world. Since my eighteenth birthday is coming soon, I decided that I might as well meet some other vampires. I never have met any other purebloods or aristocrats, other than my family, you know."

"I'm sure you'll get along fine. Takuma, Hanabusa, please help Semara if she needs your assistance," He told two blond vampires, "It was a pleasure meeting you."

Kaname nodded his head slightly, then turned and went to his room. The other aristocrats looked at each other, not knowing what to do. One of the blond vampires stepped forward. He had lovely green eyes that were the color of fresh spring grass.

"Princess, my name is Takuma Ichijo. This is Hanabusa Aido, Akatsuki Kain, Senrei Shiki, Rima Toya, and Ruka Souen. We'll be happy to help you, if you would like," He said cheerfully.

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

The other vampires bowed and left, leaving Hanabusa, Takuma, and I standing together awkwardly.

"Erm... It was nice meeting you," I said, trying to escape.

"Wait, Princess! Would you like us to show you around the Moon Dorms?" Takuma asked.

I paused. I actually hadn't looked around the Moon Dorms.

"Yes, thank you," I said. Hanabusa and Takuma looked quite taken aback, "What?"

"It's just... You're quite relaxed for a pureblood princess," Hanabusa said.

I burst out laughing at that, and I clutched my stomach while Takuma and Hanabusa watched me as if I was insane.

"That's because I wasn't raised like a normal pureblood princess," I said, after I finished laughing.

"How so?" Takuma asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Come with me and I'll tell you," I said, grabbing their hands and tugging them up the stairs and into my room.

I pushed them onto a love seat while I sat on a chair in front of them. I quickly summarized my life story for the two vampires, leaving out Master Yagari's name and the fact that I knew the Kiryuus. I sensed that I could trust these two completely, and so I did. Besides, if they ever betrayed me, I'd snap their necks.

Pureblood Princess {Vampire Knight}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora