Luna Shiroi

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This chapter is for IlyssaYe . Your character makes her appearance in this chapter :). She is a Pureblood, but... You'll see :3. I also made a change to her style, but it's not that drastic. Enjoy <3.

I woke up in the afternoon the next day.

I sighed and sat up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I got out of bed and took a shower, then dried myself off and got dressed.

I put on an oversized, long sleeved Pikachu shirt, black skinny jeans, and black boots. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, not even caring about my appearance, and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs. I headed to the Headmaster's office, to tell him that I would be leaving campus.

He wasn't there, so I just left a note, then headed out. I went to Una Carozza again, and ordered a sundae and an iced coffee.

I mostly just stared out of the window, pondering what to do next, until I saw a smaller girl getting hassled by two huge men. I threw the money plus a tip on the table before heading out of the café. As I drew closer, I could hear what the burly men were saying.

"You little runt! You think it was funny to trip us, huh?" One asked, shoving her shoulder.

"Yeah, you dumb idiot!"

Well these obviously aren't the most intelligent gentlemen I have ever seen.

"Excuse me," I said, sliding in between the two men and the girl, who I noticed was about my age, maybe a couple years younger, "I'm deeply sorry for any trouble my sister has caused you. I really need to take her home to my mother, so if you would please move, it would be greatly appreciated."

"You just make sure we never see her face again," The first one said, stepping aside.

I took the girl's arm, and pulled her away, until we got to a quieter part of town.

"Thanks," The girl said, smiling gratefully, "I thought I was dead meat back there."

"It's fine," I said, and a strange look crossed her face.

"So, what family are you from?" She asked.

"I'm not sure I understand..." I said, cocking my head to the side.

"What Pureblood family do you belong to?" She rephrased, and my eyes widened.

"How do you know about...?" I trailed off.

"I'm a Pureblood myself. I know, I don't seem like a vampire at all. I have a slight condition, and I was born with an unnaturally weak vampiric nature. My name is Luna Shiroi, it's nice to meet you," She said, nodding.

"Oh. My name is Semara Sayama. The pleasure's all mine, Luna-chan," I smiled at her, and she grinned at me.

"So, wanna go pull some pranks?" She asked, taking my arm in hers.

"No. Where do you live?" I asked.

"Oh, I live a town over, near some aristocratic vampires," She said, pointing northwest.

"Do you go to school?" I asked, an idea coming to mind.

"Nah, I usually just read my books at home," She said, shrugging.

"Well, you should come to Cross Academy. The Night Class was specifically made for vampires. Kaname Kuran and I are the only two Purebloods there, and you would be completely welcomed," I said, trying to persuade her.

Turns out, I didn't need to put any effort into persuading her at all.

"Sure! That sounds like fun! Let's go!" She laughed, tugging me towards the school.

I laughed, but took her to the school. We arrived in the middle of a class for the Day Class, so the campus was silent. I took her up to Kaien's office, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He called, and I opened the door.

"Kaien, I brought a new Night Class student," I said, letting Luna into the room before me.

"Oh, really? And who is this?" He asked, standing up.

"Luna, meet Headmaster Kaien Cross, Kaien, meet Princess Luna Shiroi," I said.

"You can just call me Luna," She said, smiling politely.

Her demeanor had changed from when we were alone. She was now a bit detached, cold, even.

I suppose that's her personality. Cold at first, then warm when you get to know her. I wonder why she wasn't cold towards me... Perhaps she felt she could trust me.

"Oh, lovely," Kaien said, and got out a bunch of papers, "Now, if you could just fill these out..."

I tuned out of the conversation, and just observed. Luna had pastel pink hair that reached almost to her waist, light pink eyes, and porcelain skin. She wore a pretty blue jumper-style skater skirt, along with a white t-shirt and white slip-ons. She had more girlish features than I, but she seemed altogether younger than I, as well. I saw when she put her birth year down, that she was sixteen as of three months ago.

"Well, Luna," Kaien said, taking her completed form, "I'll let Mara show you the ropes around here. You two have fun!"

I linked arms with Luna, and we headed out of the headmaster's quarters. I pointed out the different areas and buildings, and what went on inside of them. We finally arrived at the Moon Dorms, and she stared up at the large, imposing building.

"You can room with me. I don't share my room with anyone," I offered, and she nodded.

"So, all of the aristocrats sleep in there?" She asked as we walked towards the doors.

"Yep. That's right. Kaname had his own office, along with a room. He's the reason why the aristocrats stay here. I don't like many of the aristocrats, except for Senri Shiki, Rima Toya, and Akatsuki Kain. You can trust them. Senri gets weird when he's hungry, though. He just goes on and on about blood. Rima is his modeling partner. Akatsuki... I actually don't know much about him, except that he likes Ruka Souen, and he hangs astound with Hanabusa Aido most of the time. Hanabusa is really intelligent, but lacks common sense. Takuma Ichijo is the Vice President of the Night Dorm, and he's Senri's best friend. Ruka is in love with Kaname, and very protective of him. She loves picking on Hanabusa. Kaname has a personal body guard named Seiren, but she usually stays in the shadows, watching," I explained, opening the doors.

I took Luna up to my room and flopped down on my bed.

"Kaien should have someone bring up a bed and your uniform," I said, closing my eyes, "For now, you should get some rest. Classes start at six."

She flopped down next to me, and I eventually drifted back to sleep.

I'll also show you a sweet dream
next night.



Another chapter!

So, what do you guys think of Luna?

Do you like her? Hate her?

I quite like her.

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, and share! And if you have any requests or anything, feel free to PM me!

Thanks <3

~ C-chan (⌒▽⌒)

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