Sunburns and Senri

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The song is called "Usual Life". It's from the VK OST.

Soon enough, St. Xocolatl's day was upon us. The disciplinary committee was called into the Headmaster's office.

"Now, as you all know, tomorrow is St. Xocolatl's Day. Amidst all the commotion, you have to be extra careful about guarding the Night Class's secret. Is that understood?" Kaien said, serious for once.

"Yep! It sure is!" Yuki said cheerfully.

"You should really just ban this stupid event," Zero said grumpily.

"Why, if I did that, there would be a riot. It's an outlet! Of course the Day Class is going to want to bond with the Night Class. They are all good-looking and high achievers! They are a great resource," Kaien said.

Zero just got even more pissed. In fact, he kind of looked like a demon now.

"He's thinking, 'How dare you compliment them in front of me?' He's not happy!" Yuki warned.

"I understand your feelings, Zero. But one day, you will understand my pacifist ideals. There are good vampires out there, and I am proud to teach the children of those vampires. I wish to one day bridge the gap between humans and vampires," Kaien said, standing by the window.

"I doubt it, unless you can change the past," Zero muttered.

"'They are beasts in human form, who drink the blood of humans.' Is that why?" Kaien turned his head towards Zero.

I kind of felt insulted at that. I rolled my eyes, pissed off and impatient to get out of the office now.

"Uh... I.... Umm.... Ummmm...." Yuki stuttered, trying to break the thick silence. She jumped on top of the headmaster's desk, sitting on her knees and handing a folded piece of paper out, "Here! It's a St. Xocolatl's Day present! And for you too, Zero! And you, Mara!" She handed Zero and I pieces of paper as well.

Kaien flipped out, floating weirdly from side to side, "Twenty tickets for Yuki's Shoulder Massages!!!"

I laughed at his childishness.

"An errand ticket, good for one time," Zero said in a monotone voice, "You do realize you've given me the exact same thing every year since grade school?"

"Oh shut it!" Yuki said, huffing.

I looked down at mine.

One ticket for a day of servitude from Yuki

I smiled and hugged Yuki, surprising her.

"Thank you, Yuki. That was very nice of you," I said, sounding more formal than I meant to.

"Oh, it's really nothing!" She said, waving her hand and blushing.

I looked at the time and yawned. It was lunch time for the Day Class. I was quite hungry as well.

"Mmm... I'm quite hungry... I'll go get some food," I said, placing the ticket in my pocket and walking to the door.

"Blood sucking is strictly prohibited on school grounds," Zero said and I gave him my most powerful death glare, which even sent him cowering just a little.

"Shut. Up." I slammed the door behind me. Zero completely ruined my good mood.

First, the whole 'beasts in human form' thing, then I say I'm hungry, and he automatically assumes I'm gonna go kill someone?!

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