Part 5

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It's been almost a week since I had my study date with Haruhi but I got sick so I was stuck in bed. Unfortunately I couldn't sleep unless Kyoya was by my side mostly because of the nightmares. I was laying in bed coughing so hard I thought I was going to die and there was an hour until Kyoya was going to come home from club. He had been telling me about the little boy that wanted to be a host making me laugh a little before it turned hard to breath making Kyoya scold me about my health. I could hardly keep any food down and Kyoya said if I wasn't better in the next day or two he was going to take me to go see Doctor Ame. It was getting harder to breath laying down so I sit up or try to but I was to weak to sit up on my own. I whimper a little before coughing once again. My bedroom door opens and in walks Fuyumi who gives me a small smile. "I made you some soup. Kyoya said you were sick." She says as she walks over to my bed and sets the bowl down on my nightstand before she helps me sit up using pillows to keep me up.

"Than you." I say and she gives me a soft smile before moving my hair out of my face before giving me a soft smile. I knew how much she was afraid of my scar just like the rest of the family. "You don't have to look at it." I say as I turn my head away from her and she gives a small sigh. "Kiku it's hard to look at sometimes. It reminds us all of that time you were taken and how much it hurt. It's our fault as older siblings that you got hurt." Fuyumi says as she gently turns my head so I was looking at her. I take a deep breath before coughing a little once again. Fuyumi looks really worried before she gently pats my back a little. "You need to eat." She says before making me eat the soup she had made. It was horrible and made me cough worst than anything else I had this whole week I was sick. Fuyumi leaves about ten minutes before Kyoya was to get home and helped me lay back down so I could sleep or try to anyways. Once she was out of my room I fix my hair to how I liked it, only Kyoya was allowed to see my left eye, Mori was part of that group now. I was just starting to doze off when my door was thrown open. "Kiku my darling sister in law I heard you were sick and I came to see you." Tamaki yells making me jump awake and look around until my eyes land on the whole club that was in my bedroom door way.

Kyoya looked annoyed and mumbled something under his breath as he glares at Tamaki. "Kiku-kun we came to see you. We were so worried when you didn't come to school for a week." Honey cries before he rushes over to my bed side. "Honey wait." Kyoya says as my coughing fit started and my hair sways a little but Mori was there patting my back and shielding me from the others. I glance up at him to see him give me a small smile before patting my back one last time as I gasp for breath. I fix my hair before giving a sigh as I was set back down on my bed. "You ok?" Mori asks and I feel my cheeks heat up a little. "I think so." I say and the club gets a little closer. I noticed Honey had backed up a little after my fit a moment ago. "Fuyumi was here a little while ago." I mumble feeling my eyes get heavy and Kyoya gives a small sigh. "Is that so. You need to sleep." Kyoya says as he walks over and sets the back of his hand on my head checking my temperature. "Nii-chan don't leave my side. The monster will get me..." I say before falling asleep my head rolling to the left so my hair falls off my eye.

Haruhi's pov.

For a week we had no idea what was wrong with Kiku, Kyoya refused to tell us why she was missing school. Today he finally gave in to Tamaki telling him she was sick and Tamaki has us all come over here to see Kiku. "We should just leave her alone so she can get better." I say as the twins drag me behind the others making me sigh softly. The whole ride there Tamaki asks Kyoya questions about Kiku and how she was feeling, if she was getting better and why he never told us that Kiku was sick. Kyoya gives a small sigh before telling us all that Kiku asked for him not to tell us. She didn't want to make every one worry about her. Mori is the one who looked the most worried over the last week but he tried really hard to hide it but he was always looking at the club door as if waiting for Kiku to walk through the door. When she didn't he sulked a little, Honey tried to cheer him up but nothing really worked until Tamaki said we were going to go see Kiku. When we arrived at Kyoya's house which was like a mansion, fricking rich kids we walk up to his room and put our things in his room. "When can we see Kiku?" Tamaki asks making Kyoya give a small sigh. "Your all going to wait here as I go and check to see if she is up for guest before you see her." Kyoya says as he goes to leave the room but Tamaki grabs his arm. "But mommy I don't want to wait." Tamaki wines making Kyoya give a frustrated sounding sigh. "To bad wait here." He says before walking.

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