Part 8

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I woke screaming like normal and freaked out when I realized I wasn't alone in bed and it wasn't my bed. "Kiku, Kiku your in my room with me. Calm down I have you." Kyoya says and I relax in his hold. I was sobbing now and he just holds me tighter and runs his fingers throw my hair helping me to calm down a little. I hear a light knock on the door making Kyoya stiffen before he lets me go to see who it was. I was a little shocked when both Yuuichi and Akito walk into the room and all three of my brothers get on the bed around me. Yuuichi gently holds me, he didn't even flinch when he sees all my scars or my missing eye like normal. Same thing with Akito, they just wordlessly take turns holding me until I was in Kyoya's arms again. I grip the front of Kyoya's top shaking a little, it was scary that my other two older brothers were here to help me like this. "What are you two doing here?" Kyoya finally asks as he holds me just a little tighter. "We heard Kiku screaming and wanted to make sure she was safe. Father told us that bas...that man was free." Akito says. Yuuichi looks at me before giving a small sigh. "We just wanted to make sure Kiku isn't taken again. I can't handle my little sister getting hurt all over again." Yuuichi says as he looks away from me as if he was shamed of himself and his words. "She's fine. I've made sure of it no thanks to you two." Kyoya growls and I move closer to him, normally I hate when people growl or fight or even use harsh tones but Kyoya was the one exception to that fact. He has always made me feel safe and wanted, Mori makes me feel that way to. I needed to explain things to him and I was starting to feel like he would understand me. "Ungrateful, ignorant little brother." Akito starts but I whimper in fear and hide my face in Kyoya's chest making him move a hand to the back of my head, holding meas if he was shielding me from some kind of attack. "We'll see how well you protect her. Kiku your going to be safe. We swear it." Yuuichi says before I hear the two of them leave the room and Kyoya relaxes his hold just a little on me.

"It's going to be alright Kiku. Try to get more sleep." Kyoya coos as he lays us down and I nod my head a little before I start to drift off. I was safe with my big brother, nothing could hurt me so long as he was with me. I snuggle closer to him the fall into a somewhat peaceful sleep. Kyoya wakes me the next morning, well the alarm woke me making me scream until my brother calmed me down. We took turns changing for school and Kyoya holds my hand as we walk to the car, on the ride to school and on the walk to my classroom. I noticed more men around the house on our way to the car this morning most of them were watching me as I walk with Kyoya to the car. Everyone was laughing, acting like normal but they don't know the danger that is out there, what could happen in a moment. I was in a daze as Kyoya talks to the twins and Haruhi about keeping me close by but he didn't really tell them why. "I'll see you at lunch." Kyoya says as he gently squeezes my hand making me look up at him. I know my eyes much have gone wide when looking at him but he just gives me a reassuring smile before leaving me with the twins. "Come on Kiku-chan let's get ready for class." Haruhi says as she offers me her hand and I take it letting her pull me to my seat before she helps me get everything ready. I was really out of it and almost every sound makes me jump a little. I hated this, that I was like this.

At lunch I hide in the club room, Kyoya brought me something to eat but I hardly do, I felt sick and I was shocked I could keep anything down. "Kiku you need to eat." Kyoya says in a soft tone as he tries to get me to eat more. The others in the club were acting like normal. "I can't." I whisper as tears start to form in my eyes making Kyoya give a small sigh. "I'll get you some tea. Please don't cry." Kyoya says as he stands before leaving me sitting where I was. I was sitting under the window, my knees pulled up to my chest before resting my head on them. I normally sat in the window looking out at the grounds but I was to afraid to do that, afraid that he would see me and take me away. I flinch when people walk over to me and I even screamed in class when the teacher placed paper on my desk from my left side. I feel someone sit next to me then wrap an arm around my shoulders before pulling me against them. I look up to see Mori who looks at me before giving a small nod of his head and I move closer to him, he made me feel safe like my brother did. "Kiku please eat more." He says softly and I look up at him then at the food he had in his free hand. "I'm not hungry." I whisper making him give a small sigh before nodding his head a little and placing the plate where it had been. "I'm worried about you." Mori says and I give a small sigh before resting my head on his shoulder. "I know, I'm sorry." I say in a soft tone. Mori stiffens a little and I glance over at my brother who had walked to us. When Mori sees it's my brother he relaxes a little. Kyoya hands me a cup and I take it wish shaking hands. "Dink all of that Kiku." Kyoya says and I nod my head before I so as he asks of me. The rest of the day I was jumpy and by the time club rolled around I just wanted to go home.

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