Part 23

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Mori's pov.

It's been three months since the wedding, Kiku had been the perfect bride. I still can't believe some days when I wake up with her next to me that we really got married or that she had agreed to it. Our wedding had been private, much to my and Kiku's insistence. Mostly it was friends and family like a wedding should be. We allowed a few reporters to come in and take pictures once the wedding was over. Her father as well as my own had complained a little but I think it was mostly them talking to talk. I know my father said he would do anything to make sure Kiku was happy with the wedding. "Takashi what are you thinking?" Kiku asks as she walks over to me, since we got married she had started to wear tank tops only when we were at home. "How I was lucky to end up with you." I say earning a blush from her before she hits my arm lightly. "I'm the one who is lucky Takashi. You saved me from so much I can never thank you enough for it." She says before placing a gentle kiss to my lips. I wanted to tell her she was wrong but maybe just maybe she was right. "Ready for practice?" I ask as I pick up the wooden sword that had been resting next to me. "Takashi we have to pack remember? Honey will be here in an hour so we can head to the air port together." She says as sh taps her foot a little. I almost forgot that our plain to head to America was leaving in a few hours. Turns out the whole club was going, well Haruhi and Tamaki had already gone over there a few days ago. Tamaki and Haruhi had started to date, the news had made Kiku smile like made.

"I almost did forget." I mumble as I stand and walk next to her to our room. Most of our things had already been packed up, ready to go. Turns out in America high school last for four years so I was going to go to the same school as Kiku, who was skipping a grade so she would be in the same class as her brother and Tamaki, but there was a possibility that I would have to go to the college instead of the high school as planed. Mitsukuni had agreed to come because he thinks it would be fun and it was something new for us all. Kiku laughs lightly before taking my free hand. "We just need to pack a few last minute things before we leave. Nii-chan said he would meet us at the air port with the twins. I'm really excited to be going." Kiku says as she swings out hands and I chuckle lightly at her words. "It's going to be a long few years. Are you sure you don't want to try the glass eye again?" I ask and she gives a small sigh before pouting a little. Since the wedding she has tried to use a glass eyes but her body still rejects it. "I thought I was beautiful without it?" She says and I sigh before turning look her in the eyes. Her face wasn't covered by her hair like it was when she was at school. It had scared Satoshi the first time he had seen it in person. "I do think your beautiful with or without your eye Kiku. I love you no matter what." I say before kissing her gently. She blushes as I pull away from her then gently hits my arm. "I love you no matter what as well. Now hurry up we have to finish packing." Kiku says as she lets me go then running to our room. I chuckle lightly before chasing after her.

It didn't take us long to finish packing, to talk to father and Satoshi then to move our things into the waiting car. Mitsukuni and I packed everything in as we forced Kiku to sit in the car. The ride there was full of Kiku and Mitsukuni talking about odds and ends. The three of us had been practicing out English together a condition set out by all our fathers for us to go on this trip. "Kiku-kun are you going to wear an eye patch when you go to school?" Mitsukuni asks as he looks Kiku over, her hair was pulled back and out of her face. She had gotten comfortable with letting Mitsukuni see her face with her missing eye as well. "No, not unless I cut my hair which I can't see myself doing so." Kiku says as she leans into my side, her head resting on my shoulder. When we got to the air port we meet with her brother and the twins before all of us check in for the flight along with our bags. "Nii-chan I've missed you." Kiku says as she hugs her brother. He sighs softly before hugging her as well. Since the wedding Kiku has only been allowed home  hand full of times. Mostly it was when her father wanted to talk to her. "I've missed you as well. We can catch up on the plane." Kyoya says as he lets her go and they walk side by side, Kiku would glance over her shoulder at me every once in a while. "It's nice to see her happy again. Didn't you say she was really upset a few days ago?" Mitsukuni asks as he walks next to me and glances up at me. I frown a little.

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