Part 20

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After the incident a few weeks ago I had avoided going to the host club. The last few days I had been thinking over my past, what my life was like before I had met the club and how I was so much closer to my own death then I realized. Today without thinking I wondered into the host club room and took my normal seat. I would have to go to court in a few days so I was reading over the journal that I had kept since my accident. "Kiku what are you reading?" Kyoya asks as he sits next to me and I look up at him before offering him the journal. Kyoya was the only other person that had read this, not even Doctor Ami had. "I see. Are you worried?" He asks in a soft brotherly tone that he only used with me and no one else. "I always am when it comes to that man. But lately I've been thinking about the club and my past." I say as I kick my feet. The others had walked over listening to us. "Meaning what?" Kyoya asks and I sigh letting my eyes close. "Meaning that I remember all the times I would hide outside your door and watch you play with Tamaki when he first came over and was trying to make friends with you. How he asked for a kotatsu to use with you." I say and Kyoya gives a small sigh shaking his head a little. "You were supposed to be in your room when he was over. I didn't even know you could walk around that quietly without me knowing about it." Kyoya says and Tamaki gets this lost in thought look. I might have just given him an idea for the club. I give a small laugh at my brother's words making him sigh softly before he shakes his head then turns his attention back to my journal.

He had flipped back to the beginning and was reading it as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever laid eyes on. "So you heard the boss and Kyoya planning the beginning of the club?" The twins asks and I give a small sigh before giving a half nod. "Well kind of. I just knew Tamaki as the weird boy who didn't understand the word no. He's still the weird boy who doesn't understand the word no but he's a lot of fun." I say as I tap my lip gently before glancing over at my brother who I thought would scold me but he was lost in my journal. "I'm not weird." Tamaki yelps before pointing at me. "Mommy tell her I'm not weird." Tamaki yells as he looks at my brother who nods his head a little. "Yes, yes whatever you say Tamaki." Kyoya mumbles before he walks to his normal spot reading my journal making me frown a little before I give a sigh. The others head off to make sure everything was set up, I couldn't help but feel them all look over at me. I didn't blame them with the way I was fidgeting, I couldn't stop playing with the bottom of my dress, messing with my hair or my constantly looking around the room. I take a deep breath before letting my eyes close as I try hard to calm down. 'It's going to be alright. Just take deep breaths and remain calm. He can't hurt you at all. Kyoya nii-chan and Takashi will never let you get hurt.' I think before taking another deep breath.

I open my eyes when hands land on my shoulders so I was looking into the eyes of Mori who looked worried. "Do you want to talk?" He asks in a whisper as he tucks my hair behind my right ear. I know he was trying hard to make me feel better and to stay calm. I wasn't going to be in club the next few days, I wasn't even coming to school, so this was the only time I would get with him unless I went to his house or he came to mine. "I don't know what to say. I'm just...." I say letting my words die out and Mori gives a sigh before he leans closer to me, his lips inches from mine, his warm breath hitting my face. "Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?" Mori asks and I shake my head a little, when I do so our lips brush slightly. "No, not tomorrow. I'll be fine really. But the day after maybe." I say and he frowns a little before giving me a little space before nodding his head. "Call me if you need me. Any time and I'll come running to you." Mori says making me nod my head and give him a smile. Mori always went out of his way to show that he cared, that he loved me. Just thinking that made me reach up and brush my fingers over the ring he had given me. "Takashi there is one thing." I say and he nods as if waiting for me to say it, like I was going to tell him the biggest most important thing in the world.

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