Part 16

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Today was like any other day in club, I was reading by the window, well secretly watching Mori as he sat with Honey. "My darling sister-in-law join the club." Tamaki says as he stops in front of me making the others look up at him then glance over at me. Kyoya pushes up his glasses before giving a small sigh. "We've talked about this Tamaki. If Kiku joined the club that means she would be the only female host and we would have to let men in as guest, not that it really matters if they did or not. It also means she couldn't have tea and sweets with the rest of us whenever we liked. But if my sister remained an unofficial member of the club then we wouldn't have to worry about such problems." Kyoya says. Since school had started again Kyoya, Mori and I haven't talked about the horrible family dinner that Mori was invited to. The one good thing about that day was I got Mori to agree to teach me kendo when I came over to see him. I think he was happy that I took an interest in what he liked. "We like not having to share Kiku with any of the boys here. Half of them ask us if we're dating Kiku before they run off to write her more love letters." Kaoru says in a board tone before his brother nods. "We throw away so many it's a little sickening. I thought girls write more." Hikaru says. Turns out Hikaru and Haruhi heard about my brake down at the inn not long after vacation started but nether one of them talked about it, in fact it was as if the whole club forgot all about that happening in the first place. Today Haruhi was running late to club. "Its not like I want to have letters given to me." I mumble a I close my book having finished it. I stand to leave when Haruhi opens the door and a middle schooler starts to attack Honey. The boy looked familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was scared Mori would get hurt and just about ran over to his side but the fight going on in the middle of the room kind of trapped me here.

I give a sigh and watch the fight, that annoying girl was here making commentary on the fight. I huff a little before taking my seat once again then looking out the window. Honey wins his fight and now I remember where I had seen this boy, it was at Mori's house the first time I went over there. The whole club was busy ether explaining things to Haruhi or in Honey's case dealing with his brother. I shake my head before leaving the room to head to the library to get a new book. 'Maybe a book on marshal arts would be good. Or I could start to read some of the medical text books that they have.' I think as I walk. I return the book I already had before walking around looking for something good to read. I was just about to give up hope of anything striking my fancy when I see a book that was all about samurai. 'That might be interesting. I bet there might be something about kendo in there.' I think before reaching up for the book. To bad I was so short, at times like this I wish I had Mori or my brother with me. "Do you need help?" A boy asks and when I turn I was face to face with Mori's little brother. "Please." I say and he nods before pulling the book down for me. "Samurai hu? Why would a pretty girl like you want to read about something like this?" Satoshi asks as he hands me the book. I give a small sigh as I take it. "Thank you and I'm interested because it's part of history. Plus I want to learn a little about kendo and thought something might turn up in here." I say and he gives a sigh before reaching up and pulling down another book and handing it to me. "I saw you talking to my brother about his kendo stuff the last time you were over so you might like this better. It should help." He says and I give him a soft smile. "Thank you." I say and he nods his head as if it wasn't a problem.  He walks with me over to the check out and I get both the books. "Did you happen to see Yasuchika?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes, when I let my brother's club he was there just having lost a fight with Honey. I can take you there if you want." I say and Satoshi waves his hand a little.

"No it's fine. I'm supposed to keep an eye on him. I'm heading to club, I hope to see you again soon. My brother, he gets lonely when you don't come over every day. Lately he's been looking at his phone with these big sad eyes." Satoshi says and I sigh softly. "Do you know why?" I ask as we walk and he frowns a little. "No, not really. I can't get his phone away from him. He hardly leaves it out of his sight since he got to know you. Maybe you might have an idea of what's on it." Satoshi says and I bite my bottom lip as I think it over before snapping my fingers. "Maybe it's this." I say as I pull out my own phone and show him the picture of Mori and I together from over the vacation. "He did act all protective of his phone and started looking like that after you all came back. But um.... what's with the photo shop?" Satoshi asks as he points at the picture and I give a small sigh as I look down at it. We too two pictures together one with and without my hair over my eye. I just pulled up the one without. "That's not photo shop Satoshi-kun. My left eye is gone." I say as I close my phone and put it back where it belonged. "I'm sorry. Takashi, he said you had an accident and you were still healing from it. I didn't realize you were hurt that badly. I didn't mean to make fun of you or anything." He says as if he didn't want to hurt my feelings. I was enjoying this little walk, I've never been to the middle school side of the school before. "It's fine, no one outside my family and my brother's club knows about it. I asked Takashi to not tell anyone about it." I say before looking around slowly. "You should get back before my brother comes looking for you. When you see Yasuchika could you tell him he is late for club? Thanks Kiku-san." He says with a bow and I laugh lightly. "Alright I will do so. You can call me just Kiku I don't mind at all. I will see you around Satoshi-kun." I say as I wave at him with my free hand before walking back to the club. Haruhi was talking with Yasuchika and I felt a little out of place interrupting them but I told Satoshi I would relay the message for him.

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