Part 14

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It was finally summer vacation, I was going to spend a few days over at Mori's house. I looked forward to it, Kyoya was going to be supervising my stay there seeing as how father insisted on it. Something about father not wanting me to lose my innocence or something like that. It's not like I was going to sleep with Mori, not unless we were married that is. Besides the idea of having sex with anyone in general was scary, that man had ruined that experience for me. "Kiku are you packed for our trip?" Kyoya ask as he knocks on my door and I frown a little. "Not really." I say and he walks into the room before giving me a small sigh. "I know we're only three days into vacation but we have to go somewhere before heading over to Mori's house." Kyoya says making my frown get deeper. "Ohh then I can stay here." I say only making him shake his head no before walking over to me. "Kiku your going to come with me, father said it was alright." Kyoya says before he helps me pull out cloths and packing quickly. "You get to see Haruhi." Kyoya says and I jump a little before looking at him. "But she said she was helping a family friend so we couldn't do anything over the vacation." I say bouncing a little making Kyoya chuckle a little at me. "So you know more than me? That's a first." Kyoya says as he picks up our bags before we walk to my bedroom door.

I giggle a little and take his free hand in my own. "It's fine Kiku, I'll leave her alone but you get to spend time out of the city, fresh air and it will be healthy for you." Kyoya says making me give a small sigh. "I have some calls to make on our way to where we are going to you can nap in the car." Kyoya says as I give a small yawn before rubbing my eyes. I hardly slept the night before, I was to excited about spending time over at Mori's that I stayed up most of the night which was different from my normal fears of nightmares keeping me up. "A nap would be nice." I say as we get into the limo. I was woken up by Kyoya when we go to get into another car. This time Mori and Honey were in it and I smile shyly at Mori. Mori smiles softly at me before motioning to the empty spot next to him for me to sit. I sit next to him and smile up at him. "Good morning Takashi." I say. "Good morning Kiku." He says before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I lean my head onto his and end up falling back asleep. The next time I wake up we were where we were going. In my excitement to see Haruhi I run away from my brother and Mori over to said girl. She glances up at me before giving a small sigh but lets me hug her. "I missed you." I say making her laugh a little before patting my shoulder. "I missed you too Kiku. I guess you can help me study now." She says and I nod my head quickly.

After all the talking we head outside to have tea. I sit with my brother and when everyone talked about their invitations to places I frown a little. I knew Mori and Honey were going off somewhere together but it hurt that they asked Haruhi over me to go. "Nii-chan you should have told me that you asked Haruhi to go somewhere. I only asked her to come over if she had the time." I mumble as Tamaki goes on some rant. "I'm sure she would love to come see our house." Kyoya says in a sarcastic tone makine me frown a little. Then they try to guilt Haruhi into spending time with them, this is a mess. 'Ew Tamaki is having another one of his weird day dreams.' I think before taking a drink of my tea. I liked it here but there was no way the boys would let me stay here, Kyoya would insist on staying with me because he was my big brother. As they were talking about it I glance over at my brother who had sat back down with me to drink some tea. "Would you like to sleep here?" Kyoya asks me and I give a small sigh. "Yes." I whisper and he gives a small sigh before patting the top of my head. "Then I guess I will win for you." He says giving me a smirk. I hated when he got like that.

"Just sit here and enjoy your book." Kyoya says before he leave me sitting there. I knew my brother wasn't really going to try very hard. Once they all walk off I look over to see Haruhi. "I'm sorry about them. If I knew what was going on I would have tried to stop them." I say making her sigh softly before walking over to stand next to me. "Its ok Kiku. Honestly i don't mind you being here, your not making a mess. I would like it best if you were the one to stay here." She says before patting my shoulder a little. "Don't let me distract you from what you need to be doing. Besides I think I know who is going to win this little game." I say then look down at my book. Haruhi sighs softly then pats my shoulder again. "I'll bring you more tea in a little while." She says before leaving me sitting here alone. I wasn't far into my book when the owner of the inn sits across from me. "Not interested in helping out?" He asks me and I give a small sigh before placing my book on the table in front of me. "That's not it at all. I want to help but.... my brother he wants me to enjoy my vacation. If you want help then I can help cook I guess." I say as I pull on my fingers and he gives a small sigh. "Your Kiku, Haruhi's friend. Ranka told me a little about you." He says before giving me a soft smile. I feel my body stiffen a little at his words. "No need to help at all. But tell me who do you think will win?" He asks and I give a small sigh. "Tamaki or the twins. I'd like to say Mori but he's going to go wherever Honey does. My brother isn't really even trying at all, I'd like to stay here. It's so warm and inviting, nice even." I say before looking down into my tea cup. "You can stay here once I have another room open. It would be nice for a pretty girl like you to stay here." He says before leaving me sitting there alone.

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