Part 22

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I wanted nothing more than to spend my time with Mori during the fair but instead I had to walk around with my father. "Hello father." I say as I stop in front of him and he glances over at me before offering his arm to me. I take it and he pulls me closer to himself. "Kiku let us walk around for a while before heading to see your brother." Father says as we start to walk. "Thank you for walking with me father." I say trying hard not to let my voice crack or even shake. I had to show him I had gotten better or he could cancel the wedding on me. I could walk around in crowds now without gripping onto nii-chan for dear life, and I didn't have a panic attack since before Hallowen which was a plus to me. "Kiku tell me how your doing in your classes." Father says and I lick my lips a little. "I'm head of my classes. I've already half way threw second year work and far surpass the others in my class. I have been giving thought of studying abroad in a year or two only because I think it would do me good." I say feeling very confidant in myself. "You have yet to join a club. That worries me Kiku." Father says in a reprimanding tone as we walk around another room and I bite the inside of my cheek, a habit I had picked up when I had been kept by that man so as not to show my nerves of displeasing someone. "I have yet to find a club that would fit me well. I don't really have any talents that would help me fit into many of the clubs here." I say making my father glance over at me before he sighs softly. "I see, show me to where your brother is." Father says and I nod my head before leading him to where Kyoya and the others are.

"Have you talked to Takashi about studying abroad?" Father asks me as we walk making me trip a little but he keeps me from falling over. "Ohh... um not yet. I was planning on talking to him about it once the fair was over." I say making father frown a little at my words. "Does your brother know of this?" Father asks and it was my turn to frown at him. "No, I haven't talked to anyone about this. It is a choice I had come to as of a handful of days ago." I say and father nods his head a little. "I'm glad to see your not relying on your older brother to do everything for you anymore. If only you could sleep alone from now until your wedding at the end of the school year. The day after school is over your going to be getting married." Father says an I feel my eyes go wide as I look over at him. "I will be talking to your brother now. Go spend time with Takashi." Father says as he lets me go before walking over to Kyoya. I huff before walking over to Mori to talk to him. I had just arrived in front of him when I hear a slap making me jump lightly, Mori places a hand on my shoulder as I turn to look at who was hit to see my father in front of Kyoya, Kyoya's glasses were on the ground. I wanted to walk over and yell at my father but I hold my tong as Mori holds me in place. I could hear the others talking about my father.

I knew better than anyone that it was a bad idea to get on my fathers bad side. I see father walk to a man but frown a little at father who walks away not even sparing a glance over at me. "Leave nii-chan be." I whisper to Mori as I grip his arm and watch the others. Kyoya tells Tamaki he was expecting what happened before glancing over at me before his eyes land on Mori. "Kiku stay by my side until this is over." Mori says the moment Tamaki's grandmother walks into the room and I glance over at the old woman in a kimono before my eyes land on the girl she called over to Tamaki. I didn't like the way that old woman's eyes landed on me before narrowing a little until she sees the ring on my finger and the way Mori moves closer to me as if laying claim on me. Once Tamaki left Mori leads me over to where my brother was and I glance over at his cheek, the one father had hit. "Don't look at me like that Kiku. I'm fine, I expected it from him." Kyoya says and I glance over at Mori who gives the chair across from my brother a pointed look. I was about to move to it and sit when Kyoya glances over at me a harsh look entering his eyes for half a moment. "Kiku I would like it if you spent some time alone with Mori during the fair today and tomorrow. Father said you had something to talk to him about." Kyoya says and I nod slowly before standing by Mori's side not wanting to let others see me as weak.

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