Part 9

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My date with Mori was great, he took me to a traditional Japaneses restaurant, it was like stepping back in time and I enjoyed myself. We talked about all kinds of things, mostly baby animals and what kind of music we liked. It was shocking that we liked a lot of the same things. It's been a month and a half since that man got out and I was sitting at my desk when I noticed a note on it. It had my name written on it, in hand writing that I remember as if it was yesterday, it was his hand writing. "You ok Kiku?" Hikaru asks from behind me making me jump. "You got a letter." Kaoru says as he goes to pick it up but I slap his hand. "Don't touch that. H...." I say before running from the room feeling the need to throw up so I run to a bathroom and dry heave over the toilet for I don't know how long. When I walked out I was pulled into a hug but I just struggle a little. "Kiku it's alright." Mori says and I relax instantly. I hug my boyfriend tightly as tears start to fall. "He was here. He left a letter on my desk." I sob into his chest and he gives a small sigh before picking me up. I have no idea where he was taking me so long as I don't have to see that letter. I was soon laid down on something but I was crying to hard to really see clearly. "Kyoya what is this all about?" Tamaki asks as the door opens to the room we are in. "Tamaki please not now." Kyoya says as he walks over to me and places a hand on my cheek. "Kiku the police are here to talk to you. Your going to be alright, I'll be with you the whole time." Kyoya says and I nod my head.

"Wait someone explain what is going on. My dad wants me to find out what happened." Tamaki says and I shiver a little. "He found out where I go to school and he knows my class room, where I sit. Ohh god he's going to take me again. Nii-chan please he's going to..." I say my words dying off as the world around me starts to go black. I try to fight it back, fight back the flashback that wanted to start. I feel a hand on my chin and I was forced to look into dark grey eyes that I knew belonged to Mori. "Kiku you need to calm down." Mori says and I nod my head. "I'm trying Takashi." I say mot caring right now if people question it later. It took that monster a month and a half to find me and he leaves a letter for me at my school, on my desk knowing that I would see it. I block out the words of most everyone in the room, from what I could hear the whole club was with me. "Kiku focus." Kyoya says as he snaps his fingers and I look up at him the best I can with Mori still gently holding my chin. "We need to talk to the police remember." Kyoya says as I sit up nodding my head quickly. I wish I hadn't done that because it made me dizzy but I needed to go talk to the police then I could hide somewhere with the club. I stand before taking Kyoya's hand, my tears had stopped at some point and he cleans them away before we start to walk. I could hear the others following us and Kyoya glances at them. "Whatever is scaring her isn't getting her." Honey says as he takes my free hand and I smile a little at him before glancing over at Kyoya who nos his head a few times.

We walk to the head master's office where the police were waiting and when we get there only Kyoya and I walked into the room. "Mr. Ootori, Miss. Ootori the police would like to talk with you two." Mr. Suoh says as he looks up at us and I grip my brother's hand tighter than before. I was afraid, afraid that man might hurt me, or my brother or Mori or even the club. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to them. "We know." Kyoya says and we take a seat in the two chairs that were in the room. I grip Kyoya's hand as tightly as I dared, the police were watching me. "Miss. Ootori do you know who left the letter on your desk?" One officer says and I glance over at Kyoya who nods his head. "Yes." I say in a shaky tone. "Who?" The officer next to him asks as he holds up the letter making me stiffen a little. Kyoya holds my hand a little tighter before patting the top of my hand with his free one. It wasn't helping, I knew I was going to be pulled into a flashback soon and it wasn't going to be good.

Tamaki's pov.

I couldn't sit, I walk back and forth in front of my father's office door. The rest of the club was watching me with the exception of Kyoya who was with his sister. "They've been in there for twenty minutes. What is going on?" I ask before looking over at the twins. They were the ones who came to my dad when Kiku had freaked out earlier. "It has something to do with the that letter. We should have read it before telling your dad." Hikaru says making Mori give a small sigh. I noticed earlier that Kiku had called Mori by his full name but I think she was just trying to calm down and that helped her. "Yeah I mean she ran from the room when she saw it and told us not to touch it." Kaoru says as he looks over at his brother who gives a small sigh. We were pulled out of our conversation as the school nurse comes walking past and into my dad's office. Mori stands before looking up at the door worry clear in his eyes. "Takashi she's going to be ok." Honey says as he takes Mori's hand making Mori give a small nod but I don't think any of us really believed that. Kyoya hadn't told us much about what happened to Kiku, said she was still healing from it and would tell us when she was ready. Just as quickly as the nurse walked in she walked out worry in her eyes. I wanted to know what was going on but the nurse came back with a couple others with a stretcher and head back into my dad's office making me frown a little.

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