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Ahhh.. I can't believe it's 20th chappie.
And 45K+ views.
Yayy. Hands over my handmade brownie to all of you!!!!!!!! :*
Alhamdulillah. Thankyou so much!!!!!


If your prayer/salah is pending, complete it sooner, please. This chapter can wait. But the time for the prayer can't.

'please do not waste your time, reading unnecessary things rather do something useful and beneficial this ramdan.The blessed month of ramdan has arrived and it won't wait but this book can wait.

Daniyal clenched his jaws glaring at him. He was so angry that he didn't realize that he was folding his knuckles very tight that it hurt.His deep black eyes fuming with anger with some of his hair falling near his eyebrows. He opened and closed his knuckles trying to calm himself. There in front of Daniyal, he sat with Kinza and heena; as if he was invited there.

"Assalam alaikum."Daniyal said and they all looked at him.

"Wa alaikum assalam Daniyal, I was waiting for you to invite me but alas!"He said mockingly.

"What the... "He trailed off as heena walked towards him with a shake of her head, eyeing him to control his anger.

"Mom, what is he doing here?And why the hell you have served him breakfast?"Daniyal asked looking past heena at ghaffor who was talking with Kinza; she looked totally uncomfortable and uninterested.

"Daniyal,is this the way you behave with guest?"

"Okay."He said sighing heavily and strode toward them taking a seat beside kinza in the sofa,leaving a considerable space between them.

"You don't look so happy to see me Dani,"Ghaffor said as he munched on the toast.

"Ofcourse!"He replied with a tight smile looking at kinza.

"What's the reason for his visit?"He moved closer to Kinza and whispered in her ears, so that only she could hear. After all ghaffor was so busy in gobbling up all the food placed in front of him.

"I don't know."Kinza mumbled, shrugging and got up to leave.

"Where are you going Kinza?"Ghaffor asked with crooked smile, and daniyal had urge to punch him in his face with the way he took her name.

"I have more important work than sitting here."She said and walked away before ghaffor could reply.

"Seems like you have used all your money on the interior decoration."Ghaffor said looking around the house.

"If you had your breakfast, you may leave now."Daniyal replied, ignoring his admiration.

"Relax bro, I was bored of having hotel's food, so I thought to having some homemade food."

"Iam sure that's not the only reason you are here."

"Wow, you made my work really easy, eh."

"What do you want?"

"Long short story, Abba couldn't keep your little secret away from me, I mean somehow I got to know about it."Ghaffor said with an evil grin and daniyal rubbed his temples.

"Jameel chacha told you?"Daniyal asked.

"Nay, you know I had this doubt already and I must say my father did a great job of keeping his promise."

"You forced him to tell you?!"Daniyal asked raising his brows.

"Kind of!"Ghaffor shrugged wiping his hand with a tissue.

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