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'Ramdan is a month of blessings and its only here fof 30 days. Blessed are the ones who utilise it's benefits. Ramzan won't wait but this book can wait.'

Daniyal was confused after talking to his mom. Heena had asked Kinza to call her mom yet Kinza didn't understand that what heena was implying.


Why is this so complicated?

Safina was so excited thinking that Kinza had agreed. So was Daniyal!

"So when are you going to ask her?"Daniyal asked after Kinza and safina went to their room; he was getting irritated to wait.

"Relax, you have waited so much! What's the rush?"Heena asked.

"Ghaffor mom, ghaffor. He is being a pain in the.. "Daniyal stopped when heena glared at him.

"What did he do?"Heena raised an eyebrow.

Daniyal took a deep breathe and told her the problem.

Apparently ghaffor had been using Daniyal as his MONEY PLANT that whenever he needed money he would text him; blackmailing him.

"And the previous day when we were playing food fight ghaffor had texted
me and I couldn't reply him sooner so he demanded more money for that."Daniyal cringed while telling her.

"I have been transferring money to his bank account."

"I will talk to her soon, in sha allah."Heena nodded while in deep thought.


Kinza was putting the fish food in the tank when safina came behind her.

"Boohhh!!! "She shouted in her ear but Kinza wasn't surprised at all.

"I knew you would come...haha!"Kinza said closing the lid of the small food box.

"Well, I will try next time."Safina said with a smirk.

"Our result will be out today."Kinza informed looking adoringly at the golden fishes.

"So are you coming with me to university?"

"No, results will be out after eleven A.M, so I will come later.

"Ah.. soon you will start teaching Arabic and other classes."

"Yup, Am so excited."Kinza said with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Okay then see you at the university."Safina Said and walked off to collect her bag and abaya while kinza came to dining room for breakfast.

Daniyal was having Aloo paratha at the dining room.
Kinza's stomach did weird somersaults on seeing him.She was all jittery. Earlier she took tablets thinking it to be acidic problem but, no; this wasn't some acidity. In fact she was also having palpitations whenever Daniyal glanced at her or smiled or simply when she catches a whiff of his cologne/aftershave. She wanted to stop it. She knew it was not good to have feelings like this but for some reasons it didn't feel wrong when he was close to her. She didn't felt weird when he selected dresses for her or when he brought her fishes to fulfill her wish.

"What's wrong with me?"Daniyal asked noticing Kinza staring at him.

"Huh.. erm.. nothing."She took a seat hurriedly before the table.

"Why were you staring at me? Is my shirt okay?"Daniyal asked. 

"No.. you look good."Kinza blurted out.


She took aloo paratha and started eating mouthful to avoid his questions. Daniyal glanced at her and walked away after giving her a lopsided grin.

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