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omg!!!!! Unknowingly His hit 2M reads..😁😊😋
Alhamdulillah.  didnt even notice it ^_^
thank you so much my lovely wattpad Fam.
jazakillah khair!

also I really do wish to get back to writing with a bang, in sha allah.
Trust me I really do wanna write but whenever I try penning down my thoughts I feel like i have lost the touch and it feels so out of context.  I know I have lost so many lovely readers coz of me procrastinating but believe me life's been a rollercoaster ride that too without a stop with my lil baby girl and with her being so naughty and quirky it gets really difficult for me to do anything.

anyways, hows it here on wattpad? I see a lot of new readers! hey there ppl?!  *waves happily* how is my book treating you?? *😍😍*

and any old readers waiting for me and RiSaf? ;) *🤗🤗

I hope yes??

anyhooo... hows ramzan going on for u all??

just a few days more and this feels like it passed so quick just in a blink of an eye.

do pray for loads of barakah in our time so that we get to do lots of zikr, namaz, dua, Quran.

oh that reminds me that my inayah mariam doesnt even let me read Quran coz she always wants to wat ever iam doing. like she always wants the same quran I'm reading in. so I have been reading in the android app most of the time hiding from her!🤣

and also hope all are doing good in this blessed month!?

remem me and my fam in ur precious dua's😍😍

Until next time,

Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. 😊😊


Unknowingly His ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now