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Ahhhhhhh.... reached 100+K reads!!!! *_* Alhamdulillahhhh...
Yaayyyy!!!!! *hugs to all the silent readers and voters and commenters. Here is the blackforest cake and pastries as a treat:')


"If you are greatful, I will give you more!"-Surah Ibrahim.

Narrated Abu Huraira (ra) The Prophet (PBUH) said, "If Allah loves a person, He calls Gabriel saying, 'Allah loves so and-so; O Gabriel! Love him.' Gabriel would love him and make an announcement amongst the inhabitants of the Heaven. 'Allah loves so-and-so, therefore you should love him also,' and so all the inhabitants of the Heaven would love him, and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth." [Sahih Al Bukhari]


Ramdan is a month of blessings and its only here for 30 days. Blessed are the ones who utilise it's benefits by doing ibadah. Ramzan won't wait but this book can wait.'

"Please don't delete that pic!"Safina said with mock innocence as she slumped on the sofa after running a marathon all over the garden with Kinza running behind her.

"I swear I didn't see anything!"She said with a wink and Kinza slapped her back playfully, sitting beside her, controlling her breathe;while daniyal's laugh echoed in the living room.

Kinza snatched safina's phone and looked at the photo. It was indeed beautiful; serene! One of the two pics looked like a shadow because of the sunlight and the green grass and the gardens view and her flying dupatta, made it even more mesmerizing.
Kinza smiled at how divine it was.

"I will get some water for me and give you guys some privacy!"Safina teased and daniyal threw a cushion at her which she dodged before winking at them.Kinza didn't look up and just wished the earth would open and swallow her.She knew that her cheeks might have turned scarlet by now.

"Someone is smiling widely!"Daniyal remarked meaningfully and Kinza's head snapped to her side as she didn't notice that Daniyal had taken a seat beside her in the sofa and was hovering over her to see the pic; their arms touching gently. Instantly she got up and sat on the other sofa while daniyal followed her.

"What a.. "

"I wanna see pic, but why are you moving here and there?"Daniyal asked with a lop sided grin and Kinza handed him the phone.

"Safi should do photography! Right?"He muttered as he swiped the screen to see the other pic.

"Hmm.. Yea!"Kinza replied as she got up but Daniyal was sitting at the edge of her dupatta.She pulled it but it was of no use.

"Daniyal.."She called to get his attention which he ignored knowingly and was acting to be busy on his phone.

"Daniyal!"She whisper yelled as she wasn't used to calling him with his full name; She used to call him Dani.

"Yes?"After a good few seconds he looked at her with raised brows.

"Leave my dupatta!"Kinza hissed

"Oh huh.. okay."He stood up while she flipped her dupatta around her with anger.

"You need a consultation for your ears!"

"What?"Daniyal laughed.

"See, you can't hear me."

"I was just playing around!"Daniyal winked at her and she just glared at him giving a hi-five to herself mentally that she didn't blush.

Unknowingly His ✓completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora