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"Never give up making dua for anything and everything you want.Allah subhana wa ta'ala will answer them in the best possible manner."

"Abu Rafi (R.A) narrated that Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) said to Abbas (R.A), "O Uncle! Shall I not join ties with you? Shall I not give you? Shall I not benefit you?" He said, "Of course, O Messenger of Allah!" So, he said, "O Uncle! Pray four raka'at. recite in each raka'ah the Surah Fatiha and a Surah and when you have finished the recital (third kalima-subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi wala ilaha illallahu allah akbar) fifteen times before making the ruku. Then go into the ruku and repeat them ten times. Then raise your head and say the words ten times. Then go into prostrations and repeat them ten times, and raise your head and say the words ten times. Then prostrate and say the words ten times, and (again) raise your head and repeat them ten times before you stand up. So, this is (in all) seventy five in each raka'ah and it three hundred in all four rak'at. Even if your sins are like the sand particles of Aalij, Allah will forgive them for you". He ( Abbas (R.A) said, "O Messenger of Allah! Who can stand up for it every day?" He said, "If you cannot establish it every day, then observe it on Friday. And if you cannot do that every Friday then observe it every month". And he did not cease to say that until he said, "Offer it once in a year".

(Sunan Abu Dawud, hadith1297)

The cool breeze swept across making the long trees in the garden sway with it, passing a fresh whiff of airy and muddy scent indicating the on coming rain. She inhaled the scent spreading her arms waiting gleefully for the drops of rain to touch her from the heavens. Her hair and dupatta played along with the breeze as she looked up at the heavens and closed her eyes, as with Allah's mercy the heaven began to pour down slowly and picked up its pace drenching every single being.

"Kinza.."Daniyal shouted as he ran up the stairs after taking down all the dishes and stood at the door way as little rain drops splashed on him but Kinza stood enjoying the rain as her clothes turned damp within seconds. She whirled as the rain got heavy running each amd every corner.

Daniyal smiled lovingly at the sight in front of him.Never had he seen kinza,this happy.Looking upwards with a content smile,He thanked Allah jalla jalalahu.No matter how much we thank him,it is still less in front of HIS blessings upon us.

Sliding his hand in his pocket,he took out kinza's phone which he had kept there while they had their romantic dinner. clicking a few snaps of his wife as she enjoyed heartily with no worries, he was looking through those photos and when he tapped back,his eyes caught a photo and his curiousity piqued.

As he was about to open the image folder, Kinza called him.

"Daniyal.."She gestured to come and enjoy the rain but he nodded taking a step back.Kinza glared at him keeping her hands on her hips and lunged forward.

"You have to come!"She said holding his wrist while Daniyal protested.

"No, leave are cold."Daniyal took a step back and kinza gave him a childish grin before stepping forward and engulfing him in a tight hug while Daniyal shrieked as his clothes soaked with rain water from kinza's dress.

"What...what are you doing?"Daniyal shouted and kinza stepped back grinning.

"Now,you are already wet,so come on!"Kinza called pulling him along and much to Daniyal's protest,the couple enjoyed and shared beautiful moments under the rain with his blessings.


"Look at this."Daniyal showed the pic which he had clicked,after changing into night suits and drying their hair,Daniyal and kinza wrapped themselves with blanket and rested cozily.

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